Ch 13. Give it A Chance.

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"Alright everyone. It's game time. Make sure your cleats are tied because it's Go time!" Coach Teddy shouts.

"Yes coach!" The team responds.

"So, have you asked her yet?" Lisa whispers to Jennie as she fixes her sock.

"Asked what?"

"Jisoo to be your girlfriend duh," Lisa rolls her eyes.

"No. I haven't. What if she says no?"

"Are you kidding me right now?" Lisa scoffs. "That girl is head over heels for you. Just look at her."

They turn to look over at the bleachers to see Jisoo and Nayeon. Jisoo is wearing Jennie's number in support, sporting a little face paint along with it.

Jennie smiles at the sight and it almost makes Lisa want to gag.

"She's the nations girl crush." Lisa says. "You have to ask her to be your girlfriend before someone else swoops in."

"Oh please no one else is going to swoop in...because I'll kill them." Jennie says.

"Really because word is, Jinyoung has been crushing on her for the past few months now." Lisa says.

"Wait what?" Jennie sits up.

"Lets go ladies. Enough with the chit chat." Coach says.

Jennie and Lisa tighten their captain bands before taking the field. Forgetting about their other problems and focusing on the game.


"Jennie!" Jisoo squeals excitedly before jumping into her arms. "You were so good, amazing job."

Lisa watches from a distance with a small smile on her face. She was happy for Jennie. It was almost like a scene from a movie. When the cheerleader runs down the bleachers to hug the jock, congratulating them on their win.

She was happy her friend had finally found someone she genuinely liked. Her playgirl ways was an unhealthy lifestyle.

Lisa packed up the rest of her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

"See yah later Jen. Bye Jisoo!" Lisa waves as she passes them.

"Bye Lisa!"


"Yah Lalisa!"

"Oh dear God not again." Lisa sighs as she speeds up her walking.

"Lalisa Wait!" Jungkook calls.

She hears him jogging up to her as she continues walking.

"Wow you're fast." Jungkook huffs. "Great game today. You looked really good." He smirks. "Anyways, I just got my paycheque and I'd be happy to treat you to congratulatory dinner."

"No thanks." Lisa says as she opens the trunk to her car and throws her bag in.

"Oh come on Lisa. Don't you pity me even a little? I've liked you for so long and yet you keep saying no."

"Jeon Jungkook. Listen to me carefully. I do not like you. Leave. Me. Alone." Lisa says.

Jungkook looks at her angrily. "Is there someone else?" He demands.

"What are you taking about?" Lisa sighs in frustration. "Even if there was someone else, it wouldn't be any of your business. We're not together!"

"Is it that Australian girl you're always with! She's poor Lisa, she can't give you anything!"

"HEY!" Lisa shouts while pointing a finger in his face. "Don't you ever talk about her ever again. Got it? Now leave me alone for God's sakes." She says before getting in her car and driving away.

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