Ch 22. It Hasn't Even Started.

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Lisa stared shamelessly at a sleeping Chaeyoung in her arms. Her smooth skin, and slender shoulders exposed above the thin sheet.

Her face was peaceful, not a single worry displayed.

Lisa knew she needed to go soon. Chaeyoung's mother would be home from work, and this wasn't the ideal setting for her to be seen with.

With that thought in mind Lisa kissed the skin of Chaeyoung's neck before getting up. She put all of her clothes back on before grabbing a marker off of Chaeyoung's desk.

She wrote a small message on Chaeyoung's arm, kissing her cheek softly.

She dressed Chaeyoung in some sweats before leaving the sleeping girl. Hoping and pray it all wasn't just a dream.


When Chaeyoung woke up she quickly realized she was alone. She blinked her eyes to adjust to the darkness and looked around.

Glancing down she realized that she had clothes on.

"Please don't tell me it was a dream." Chaeyoung groans, throwing her arms over her head.

But something catches her eye.

I'll see you in the morning xo I love you.— LM

She smiles reading the writing on her arm.

"I love you too." She smiles softly.


"Fuck fuck fuck!" Lisa shouts as she slams her hand on her steering wheel.

She was stuck in traffic on her way to the airport. Chaeyoung's plane would be on its way in half an hour.

"Let's go for Christ sake!" Lisa shouts. She opens the window and sticks her head out. "I GOT A GIRLFRIEND TO SEE!!"


"You should get ready to board the plane Chae." Her mother says while patting her leg.

"Uh just give me a minute. Lisa said she would be here." Chaeyoung says while looking around.

Lisa was supposed to be there so that they could exchange their goodbyes.

She checked the time a final time.

"Maybe she forgot, or got caught up sweetie."

Chaeyoung nods sadly. "Maybe."


"Honey..." Chaeyoung's eomma urges.

"Uh Yeah Okay." Chaeyoung nods while standing up.

"Oh I'm gonna miss you so much." Her mother hugs her.

"It'll only be a week. I'll be back in no time." Chaeyoung says, hugging her tightly.

"Take care of yourself and call me as soon as you land."

"I will eomma."

"Do your best. I love you very very much." She says while cupping Chaeyoung's cheek.

"I will. I love you too." Chaeyoung smiles.

"Okay, you should go now honey."

Chaeyoung nods and throws her bag over her shoulder, giving her mother a final kiss on the cheek before making her way to her gate.

Sure she was sad that she didn't get to say goodbye to Lisa. But what was worse is that she wasn't able to tell her she loved her.

She looked over her shoulder and waved a final goodbye.

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