Ch 8. We're Different.

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A half an hour later, Lisa arrived back home. She opened the door to her house with a dopey smile on her face.

Her mother and father were sitting on the couch and noticed that she was home.

"Lalisa! You're home." Her eomma smiles.

"Is there a reason you're smiling like a crazy person?" Her Appa teases.

"Did she like the food?" Her Eomma asks.

Lisa composes herself and drops her smile. "I'm not smiling, and she loved the food. Her eomma thanks you greatly and wishes to repay you."

"Oh there's no need." Her Eomma waves off.

"So are you going to tell us about this mysterious friend?" Her Appa asks.

Lisa sighs as she sits in between them. "Her name is Park Chaeyoung. She's really smart, and a little closed off at first...but when you really see her, she's so caring, and selfless, and....beautiful."

"Oh Lalisa..." Her Appa sighs, resting his arm behind her head. "I think you've fallen for this girl sweetie."

"Oh god, What am I going to do?!" Lisa groans. "I still have Momo and I—"

"Lisa calm down sweetie. It's okay." Her mother says.

Lisa puffs her cheek in a deep breath and rests her head on her mother's shoulder.

"You know in your heart what you want, and it will lead you to do the right thing." Her Eomma says.

"You should invite Chaeyoung and her mother over for dinner tomorrow. That way we can get to know them." Her Appa suggests.

"I don't know Appa. It's a little soon, don't you think?" Lisa asks.

"Non-sense." He waves off.

"Chaeyoung...Chaeyoung and her family aren't very well off. Her eomma works two jobs and Chaeyoung sells hand made baskets at the market everyday. I'm just afraid that they'll be uncomfortable." Lisa says.

"It's just an invitation Lalisa. If they decline, it's okay. We can always wait."

"Okay. I'll think about it."


"Chaeyoung, it's late now sweetie, come to bed."

Chaeyoung closes her books with a sigh, before shutting off the lamp and slipping into the cot next to her mother.

"Your friend was very sweet today." Eomma says and Chaeyoung hums in response.

"Do you like her?" She asks making Chaeyoung's eyes pop open.

"Eomma!" Chaeyoung shouts causing her eomma to laugh.

"Oh come on Chaeyoung, I may be old but I'm certainly not blind. Lalisa is a sight to look at." She says.

"Do you have a crush on my friend eomma?" Chaeyoung giggles.

"Don't be ridiculous Chaeng. I couldn't help but notice your good bye was particularly long."

Chaeyoung blushes and turns on to her side so that her mother couldn't see.

"I don't know eomma, Lisa's different. She's not like us." Chaeyoung smiles sadly.

"Love conquers all Chaeyoung..." her Eomma sighs. "Even when all hope is lost."

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