Ch 2. Lets be friends.

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"Hey Pasta!" Jisoo greets.

"Hi Unnie." Chaeyoung says.

"Any luck selling the last few baskets?" Jisoo asks.

"No." Chaeyoung shakes her head sadly.

Kim Jisoo was Chaeyoung's Best friend, and they had been for awhile. She knew all about Chaeyoung's home situation and often did as much as she could to help, which Chaeyoung was extremely grateful for.

"If you want, I could come over and help you tonight. I know your eomma gets tired after work." Jisoo offers.

"It's okay Unnie, you don't have to." Chaeyoung assures.

"No, I want to. Trust me, it's fine." Jisoo smiles reassuringly.

"Thanks." Chaeyoung smiles.

They're attention is drawn away when Jennie and Lisa loudly enter the classroom.

Chaeyoung swears she sees Jisoo's heart eyes from her seat and she rolls her own eyes.

Lisa winks at her before taking her seat behind her. "Hey." She says.

Chaeyoung ignores her and focuses her attention on getting a head start in class.

"Ouch. Not even a little acknowledgement?" Lisa chuckles as she leans forward on her desk.

"No." Chaeyoung says.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"Why don't you like me?" Lisa asks. "What have I done?"

Chaeyoung lets out a laugh. "Besides annoy me every minute of the day, or flirt with me, or getting my uniform soaked in puddle water. There are many reasons."

"Hm. Fair enough." Lisa nods. "Can we be friends?"


"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"What makes you think I'd listen to you?"

Before Chaeyoung can answer the teacher starts doing their roll call, effectively ending their conversation.

The truth was, Chaeyoung didn't actually hate Lisa at all. In fact the younger girl may have a small crush on the beloved 'it' girl, just like everyone else in the school.

But what could she do? Lisa was everyone's crush, there's no way that she'd even stand a chance. Not to mention the worst part...she already had a girlfriend.


"Hey Rosé! Wait up!" Lisa says as she jogs after the older girl. "I was gonna ask if you're going to the buy out."

The buy out is where you could buy a ticket out of class to watch the schools major sporting event going on during that period. (Do other schools have these?)

Chaeyoung wanted to go, but she just couldn't afford to spend money on such a wasteful thing.

"Um I, I can't go." Chaeyoung says.

"Why not?" Lisa asks following her down the hall.

"I don't have a ticket." Chaeyoung says.

"I can get you one." Lisa says and Chaeyoung almost gives in...but she can't.

Chaeyoung needed to get to the market in order to sell baskets for money after school. The soccer games usually ran long and she couldn't miss the opportunity to make money.

"I'm sorry Lalisa. I can't." Chaeyoung says, stopping at her locker.

Lisa leans against the one next to it and observes her. "Mmm can I ask why?"

"I have something I need to do after school." Chaeyoung says, not wanting to share anything else.

"Okay then. If you can't come today, how about Friday? We play early, and the students will be able to watch during lunch hour." Lisa says.

"Why do you want me to go so badly?" Chaeyoung asks curiously.

Lisa smiles and takes a step closer. "Because I just so happen to like—"

"-Lisa! There you are!" Momo says excitedly. "I've been looking for you babe, where've you been?"

Momo was the captain of the cheerleading squad. Fittingly dating the captain of the soccer team, Lalisa Monoban.

Chaeyoung actually liked Momo as a person, just not when she was dating Lisa.

"Oh just having a nice chat." Lisa smiles.

"Okay, I'm gonna go now. Bye." Chaeyoung says before quickly leaving the pair. She didn't exactly want to watch her crush flirt with her girlfriend right in front of her face.

"See you on Friday!" Lisa shouts after her.

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