The Rest of Our Lives. (Epilouge)

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A/N: I never end without babies.


"And We're back with guest star, Rosé Park! She's the face of our favourite brands, along with our favourite singer and songwriter. How are you Rosé?" Jimmy Fallon asks.

Tonight was a very important step in Rosé's Music career. Her official American television debut to be exact. Which is why she found herself sitting in a studio in LA with Jimmy Fallon in front of her, a long long ways from home.

"I'm great thank you, and you?" Rosé smiles.

"Amazing, Thanks for asking. When the producers told me you said yes to being on the show I was just so excited." Jimmy says.

"Oh thank you, I'm very flattered. I've always wanted to be on a show like this, and you are actually my first."

"Really? Well I'm sure you'll be getting many more offers after this." He smiles. "Now, your story has gained a lot of attention, especially with the amount of success you've achieved at such a young age and I just find it so inspirational along with many others."

"Yes, my life wasn't always this luxurious. When I was young and living in South Korea it was just my mom and I. We didn't necessarily have a lot of money and there were times when we found it hard to get by. I spent a lot of my time as a teenager trying to help my mom out with money, you know selling things at the market, any little things that would generate money. It was tough for us, and especially my mother which is why, I owe everything to her."

"Would you like to send her a message?" Jimmy smiles.

Rosé nods and the camera is pointed directly at her. "Hi eomma, look I'm on tv! All of my success is derived from your hard work and I love you so much. Lisa and I will visit soon with Jinhyun. Love you lots eomma." She says in Korean.

"I didn't understand any of that but I'm sure it was very heartfelt." Jimmy laughs making the crowd chuckle with him. "And I read here that Naomi Campbell was the one who got you into the business."

"That's correct." Rosé nods. "I was dating this girl at the time, who you may know now as my Fiancé."

"Lisa right?" Jimmy asks. "She's been all over the fashion world as well."

"Yes, she's the CEO of a very successful company now." Rosé nods. "But I knew her back when we were in High school. I had gone to one of her photo shoots and had met Naomi. She let me do a shoot with Lisa for her fragrance, and since then it's truly been a dream come true."

"Now, I heard you and Lisa are new parents. How is Parent life treating you?" Jimmy smiles.

"I love it so much. I can't even explain it. Pregnancy was tough, but Lisa was always waiting on my hand and foot. His name is Jinhyun Park, and he's just over 3 Months."

A picture of him appears and the crowd awes making Chaeyoung smile brightly.

"He's so cute. I remember when my daughter was born I just couldn't believe it. Also it made me feel super old." He says making the audience laugh. "Are you and Lisa planning to tie the knot soon?"

"Of course. We're looking to get married this summer in Australia. We were high school sweet hearts, and then we moved to Australia together and lived their through university before moving back to SK. She's the best girlfriend, fiancé, mother, and friend I could ask for. She's my everything, and I love her so much."

"That's amazing. We're gonna take a quick commercial break, and when we come back, Park Chaeyoung will be performing!" Jimmy smiles at the camera.

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