Ch 12. I Care About You.

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"Hey Lisa."

Lisa turns at the sound of the voice and suppresses a loud groan when she's met with Jeon Jungkook.

"Hi Jungkook." She says boredly.

"So there's a new movie out this Friday. Wanna go with me?" Jungkook says.

"No thank you." Lisa says politely while retrieving her books.

"Why not?" Jungkook says in shock. "Why won't you go out with me?"

Jungkook has been wanting to take her out ever since she met him. And she was starting to get annoyed. It had slowed down when she started dating Momo but now that everyone knew about their break up, Jungkook was back at it again.

"I just can't Jungkook." Lisa says while walking away.

"Why?! I'm the captain of the football team, I can dance, I can sing, I go to the gym a lot so I know I have a nice body. What more do you want?" He begs.

"I want you to leave me alone." Lisa huffs. "I don't care about that stuff. I care about personality. Someone with integrity and courage and humour. Someone who does their best to have something when they have nothing!" She points in his face.

"What the fuck are you talking about!"

"I just...Ugh! I'm not going out with you." Lisa says, turning back around.

"I'm not gonna give up!" Jungkook shouts after her.


"Yah Park Chaeyoung." Lisa says while leaning against the locker next to hers.

"Can I help you?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Remember our deal. Meet me tonight at my place after school." Lisa says while pushing herself off and crossing her arms. "My place  not my parents."

"You have your own place?"

"With my brother Ten, Yes." Lisa nods.

"Why aren't we going to your parents' place?"

"I don't want us to be interrupted." Lisa says.

"Uh o-okay." Chaeyoung stutters. "Do I need to bring anything?"

"Just your pretty little self." Lisa says while walking away.

"Wait! I don't know where you live." Chaeyoung says.

"Busan Heights." Lisa says as she stops in her tracks. She turns around to face Chaeyoung with curious eyes.

"Busan Heights?" Chaeyoung swallows thickly.

Busan Heights was known as the gated community north of town. It was home to only the elite, the rich of the rich so to speak.

Chaeyoung lived no where near that place and she knew she was in for quite a walk later.

"Yah Park Chaeyoung," Lisa calls.


"Do you need a ride?"

Chaeyoung wasn't really in the mood to walk for an hour so she quickly nodded.

"Cool. Meet me at the front entrance after school." Lisa smiles. 


"Yo Kim!" Lisa shouts as she interrupts her and Jisoo's conversation.

Jennie clenches her fist because Lisa always does this.

"What?!" Jennie growls while turning around.

"Oh feisty are we?" Lisa smirks while wrapping an arm around her. "Hi Jisoo."

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