Ch 5. Money and Happiness.

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It was quite dark out and a cool breeze ran through the chilly air. Chaeyoung had stayed out at the market a little longer than intended, but she was nearly home luckily.

She was freezing but her hands had to carry the baskets she hadn't sold, that her and Jisoo had made the previous night.

Her stomach was rumbling because she had been in such a rush to leave, that she hadn't bought anything to eat. She just hoped that there was some type of food at home.

Chaeyoung stopped in her tracks as she looks at her door step in surprise.

Lisa stands up with a smile when she notices Chaeyoung approaching. She was wrapped up in a cashmere scarf, and an expensive looking cream coloured jacket rested on her body.

"W-what are you doing here?" Chaeyoung asks quietly.

She couldn't help but feel embarrassed as Lisa stood outside of her petite house, in a rough crowded area of town.

"I was just waiting...for you." Lisa says.

Lisa can't help but feel a little nervous in front of Chaeyoung and she can't pin point why.

"Is it okay if I come in? It's kinda cold." Lisa asks and Chaeyoung nods.

"Of course." Chaeyoung says, not wanting to be rude. Although a million questions were circulating her brain.

Chaeyoung opens the door to their small living space and leads Lisa to the kitchen. She sets her baskets down onto the table and turns to Lisa.

"Do you want me to take your coat?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Uh no it's okay, I don't plan to stay long." Lisa says.

"W-why did you come here Lalisa?" Chaeyoung says looking down at her shoes.

"Oh! I saw you a little at the end of the game, but then you left, and I just, I wanted to say thanks for coming." Lisa says. "And I brought you this." She smiles setting a plastic bag on the table.

"What's this?" Chaeyoung smiles shyly as she moves to see what's inside.

"I figured I'd buy you dinner in exchange for you accepting my invitation." Lisa shrugs.

Chaeyoung blushes and wipes her palms nervously on her pants. "You didn't have to Lalisa. I barely saw the game."

"I know. But you were still there, that's what counts." Lisa says.

They share a soft smile, before Chaeyoung is clearing her throat and looking away nervously.

"So what's all this?" Lisa motions.

"Oh shoot!" Chaeyoung sighs realizing the time, as Lisa reminds her of the baskets. "I need to make another basket before tomorrow." She sighs before sitting down at the table and gathering her needed materials.

Lisa watches silently as Chaeyoung falls into a deep concentration. She can't help but notice her little mannerisms. Like  how her brows furrow, or how her nose scrunches cutely. She quietly takes a seat across from her, and Chaeyoung is too busy to notice.

They sit in a comfortable silence, only the sounds of crickets from outside filling their ears. Chaeyoung lifts her head when she feels Lisa's stare and she falters her steady hand movements.

"How did you find me?" Chaeyoung asks quietly.

"I asked Kim Jisoo for a favour, and she reluctantly told me." Lisa answers as she admires the straw basket in front of her.

Chaeyoung nods and Lisa curiously picks up a piece of straw. Chaeyoung takes it away from her. "Don't cause trouble." She says quietly.

"Look at you, you look sleepy. Maybe you should eat something and go to bed." Lisa suggests.

"You won't understand." Chaeyoung says defensively, before looking at her and softening a little. "These can make money."

" much money can these make?" Lisa asks.

"Each one...maybe $10-7." She answers as she continues to weave. "Five can be done in one night. For a total of $50."

"That's too little." Lisa shakes her head as her brows furrow. "Make it this way! Say if I give you $100, will you stop doing this and talk to me, Okay?" She smiles hopefully.

Chaeyoung looks at her in observation before letting out a small sigh. "Lalisa. You have money. Earning 30-50 a night, for you is nothing at all. But for my eomma and I, it's two days worth our living expenses." She says. "It's only one of the reasons why we shouldn't be together." She whispers.

Chaeyoung watches as Lisa stands up and her heart aches thinking that the younger girl was going to leave.

Lisa goes to the cupboard and grabs two plates before going back to the table and moving the basket so she could set one in front of Chaeyoung.

She silently grabs the food out from their bag and puts them out in front of them.

"Park Chaeyoung. There are many things in life that can make a person happy. Some find it hard to come by, others find it as simple as ABC. Money is not something that makes me happy, but talking to you does." Lisa says and Chaeyoung is drawn speechless.

Lisa gives her a smile before tapping her chopsticks against the box. "Eat up."


"I'll see you at school tomorrow right?" Lisa asks as Chaeyoung walks her to the door.

Chaeyoung smiles a little and gives her a nod. "You'll be okay to get home?"

"Don't worry about me Rosé." Lisa says. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight Lalisa."

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