Ch 35. Summer Love.

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"What can I do for you?"

"Hey, I have something for you, are you still coming?" Lisa asks as she speaks on the phone.

"What is it?" Yixing asks.

"Your money."

"I don't need it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you don't have to pay me Lisa. Consider it a favour."

"What's the catch?"

"There is no catch. Jungkook has been taken care of."

"You didn't kill him, did you?"

"Of course not."

Lisa sighs, "Are you sure about this?"

"Look Manoban. I'm a man of business, let's not forget that. But I'm also telling you that you don't have to pay me, and I mean it. I had fun teaching that fool a lesson. So don't worry about it."

"Okay. Then I guess, Thanks."


"Bye Yixing." Lisa says calling him by his first name. It's a small gesture but he catches it.

"Bye Lisa."

Lisa hangs up the phone before heading down to the Lake where everyone else is. 

"So are you dating or not?!" Joy shouts.

"None of your business!" Sana sticks her tongue out. "How come you're not dating anyone huh?!"

"Commitment issues." Yeri says.

"You both have commitment issues. I've caught you two sleeping together on numerous occasions!" Wendy laughs.

"Name one time!"

"Uh last night in the upstairs bathroom." Wendy accuses.

"I knew it!" Jennie claps. "I fucking knew it! I told you I heard moaning Jisoo!"

"That's just one time." Yeri says.

"At least we don't fuck in the showers after soccer practice!" Joy says.

"Who does?" Lisa asks.

"Jennie and Jisoo!"

"No we do not!" Jennie objects.

"I swear it was you two!"

"It wasn't!" Jisoo shakes her head.

"Whatever. It was definitely some one on this team." Joy says, sitting back down in her lawn chair.

"Why are you guys sitting out in the hot sun, why aren't you swimming?" Lisa asks leaning on the back of Chaeyoung's chair.

"We're catching Vitamin D." Jihyo says.

"Plus the water is cold." Jisoo pouts.

Jennie looks at Lisa with a mischievous glint in her eye and Lisa nods.

Lisa counts to three in her head before picking Rosé up and tossing her over her shoulder.



Jennie and Lisa run towards the dock with Jisoo and Rosé in their arms.

Jisoo smacks Jennie's ass in attempt to make her stop.

"OW! Jisoo yah!" Jennie laughs.

"PLUG YOUR NOSE ROSIE!" Lisa shouts over her shoulder.

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