Ch 9. You're Beautiful.

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It was an early morning before school. Lisa and Momo sat across each other in an awkward silence in the middle of the campus coffee shop.

"We need to talk." They say at the same time.

"Uh you go first." Lisa says while tapping her cup nervously. Breaking up with someone was never easy for Lisa.

"No it's okay you go." Momo says.

Lisa lets out a deep breath before looking up at Momo. "I, I think we should break up."

She's surprised when Momo doesn't protest, but instead looks down at her cup as she swallows thickly.

"Lalisa...I need to tell you something." Momo says.

"What?" Lisa asks with furrowed brows.

"I-I've been cheating on you." Momo says. "I'm really sorry...It's not that I didn't love you, It's just—"

"What? Momo, how could you?" Lisa says as tears unknowingly fill her eyes. "I know these last few weeks weren't the greatest but I never thought you would be the kind to cheat."

"I'm sorry Lalisa. I really am. It was just a one time thing but..." Momo sniffles. "But now I'm in love with her."

Lisa averts her eyes and looks out the window, begging her tears not to fall. She knew that their relationship had reached its end, but she didn't expect that this would happen.

"I guess this is it then." Lisa says clearing her throat as she stands up. "I hope she makes you happy." She says before turning to leave.

"Lisa Wait!" Momo calls.

She simply puts her helmet on, and starts her motorcycle before driving away.


Lisa was sitting on the roof top, swinging her legs over the edge as she listened to music.

She was startled when she felt someone wrap their arms over her shoulders. Lisa took out her headphones and looked up to see Chaeyoung smiling at her.

Lisa let out a sigh of relief and gave her a small smile.


"Hi," Chaeyoung says. "I've been looking all over for you. You weren't in class." 

"Yeah I know, I just needed a little breather." Lisa sighs.

"Did something happen?" Chaeyoung asks as she sits down next to Lisa.

"Yeah...but I don't want to talk about it right now." Lisa says.

"Okay." Chaeyoung nods.

Lisa takes a minute to admire the girl next to her as she looks around the campus below. She couldn't help but stare at her beauty and she found herself already feeling a little better due to the older girl.

Chaeyoung blushes when she notices Lisa's staring. "What?" She giggles shyly.

"You're beautiful." Lisa says softly.

Her smile brightens when Chaeyoung's cheeks turn a bright pink.

"Hey my parents were wondering if maybe you and your eomma would like to come to dinner tonight." Lisa asks.

"I would love to Lisa...but I can't." Chaeyoung says sadly. "My eomma has gone back to work now, so I can go back to selling the baskets after school. I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Lisa says. 

"Next time Okay?" Chaeyoung assures taking Lisa's hand in hers.

"The invitation is always open." Lisa smiles.

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