Ch 26. Love Scenario.

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Lisa had sent Rosé to spend some time with her mom, after their day together so that she could finish on planning a few final details.

Jennie and Jisoo had gone off to do their own thing with Lisa's promise that she wouldn't bother them until Checkout tomorrow morning.

It was almost 7 so Lisa set the dress she had bought for Chaeyoung down on the bed and sent her a text.

To Rosie💙: Meet me down in the Lobby at 7:30. XO.

After making sure everything was set she checked herself in the mirror a final time before heading downstairs.


Chaeyoung went back to their room after receiving Lisa's text and gasped when she saw the dress laid out on the bed.

It was set with a pair of heels and had a slight sparkle under the lights.

She closed her mouth and snapped out of her staring after realizing that Lisa was probably waiting for her.

Chaeyoung got ready as quickly as possible and with a final glance in the mirror she made her way down to the lobby.


When she got down there her eyes immediately scanned the large lobby looking for the one she loved most.

She almost fell over when she spotted her. Lisa looked dashing to say the least. It was a change from her usual girly attire but she still looked beautiful at the same time.

Chaeyoung made her way over to the lobby couches where Lisa was sitting, and as if Lisa could sense her she looked up.

Lisa immediately stood up, slipping her phone away, and smiled at Chaeyoung.

She had opted to wear a maroon pant suit as opposed to her usual dresses. She figured Australia is a good place as any to change things up a little. Plus she matched Chaeyoung.

Her eyes scanned up Chaeyoung's long smooth legs and slender waist all the way up to her beautiful smile

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Her eyes scanned up Chaeyoung's long smooth legs and slender waist all the way up to her beautiful smile.

"You look incredible." Lisa smiles before giving her a small cheek kiss.

Chaeyoung's face heats up from the small compliment. "Thank you Lisa. You look very dashing."

Lisa does a small bow making her giggle. "Thank you m'lady. Now, should we head out on our date?" She offers her arm.

"I would love to." Chaeyoung smiles.


By 8:00 Lisa and Chaeyoung were seated at one of the most popular Steak houses in Melbourne enjoying their appetizers on the rooftop patio.

Tea lights strung above them, giving them soft lighting Lisa enjoyed so much as the view of Melbourne twinkled below them.

Chaeyoung had always mentioned her love for high places and Lisa thought she would put that knowledge to use.

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