Ch 20. Taking a Gamble.

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Chaeyoung was putting her things into her locker when she was suddenly asked to report to the office.

She made her way to the office to be greeted with her mother and the principal.

"Eomma? What are you doing here?" Chaeyoung asks in surprise as she hugs her.

"Hi sweetie." Her Eomma greets.

"Please take a seat." Mr. Jung says.

They do as their told and sit in the office chairs across from the Principal.

"What's going on?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Well I have some good news and some bad news." Mr. Jung says, his hands folded across his clean desk. "Which would you like first?"

"The good news please." Her mother says while taking her hand.

"Well I'm aware that Chaeyoung had sent an audition tape to a school in Australia. But since the video was so short they want to see more."

"What are you saying?" Chaeyoung asks.

"What I'm saying is that they've offered you an audition." He smiles. "And if they think you're worthy, they'd be willing to give you a full scholarship."

"B-but how? I sent that tape ages ago. I thought I didn't get in." Chaeyoung says in disbelief.

"You have real talent Park Chaeyoung. I think they've finally realized it." Mr. Jung smiles.

"What about the bad news?" Her Eomma asks. They didn't want to get their hopes too high up.

Mr. Jung lets out a sigh. "The only problem is, they aren't willing to fund her trip to her audition. Not until they're sure they want you." He says. "And our school doesn't have the money either." He says sadly.

The two deflate at his words. Her Eomma's thumb softly running over her hand.

"We don't have the money for a trip like that I'm afraid." Her Eomma says.

Mr. Jung just nods his head in acknowledgment. "Well, I'll give you the details just in case." He says while sliding a Manila folder across his desk.

Her eomma accepts it with a bow. "Thank you sir."

"It's no problem. I wish the best. Please think about it." He nods.

"Of course."

They exchange bows before they're leaving his office. As soon as they're out of his range Chaeyoung hugs her mother tightly.

"Eomma," Chaeyoung cries into her neck.

"I know baby, I know." Her mother coos while rubbing her back.

She lets Chaeyoung cry it out before pulling away to look at her face. "Chaeyoung look at me."

Chaeyoung sniffles and looks at her mother, her nose pink from crying.

Her mother runs her thumbs under her eyes as she cups her cheeks. "Listen to me. We will not give up on this opportunity—"

"But Eomma-"

"No. I will get you to that school if it's the last thing I do Chaeyoung. You have talent and the world deserves to see it. We're not gonna let money limit your potential anymore. I won't allow it." Her mother says.

"But how?"

"We'll find a way." Her mother says. "Now, lets get you cleaned up. I'll take you home for the rest of the day."

"Okay." Chaeyoung nods.


Lisa bounced her leg nervously as she stared at the clock. She hasn't seen Chaeyoung all day or heard from her for that matter.

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