Ch 31. Senior Traditions.

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One Week Later;

"Everyone listen up!" Lisa shouts, silencing the locker room.

Their laughs quiet down as the players turn their attention to her.

"Today is our last game together. Most of us our seniors now, and we'll be moving on to new lives." Lisa smiles. "Since I've been on this team I've realized that we're not just a team, we're a family. And although I don't want it to end, I wish the best for you guys."

"Awe shucks, the captains turned into a sap!" Jennie teases, putting her arm on Lisa's shoulder.

Lisa rolls her eyes as the team laughs.

"This is our last game, so let's win it!!" Lisa cheers.

The cheer loudly and resume putting their thins on.


Come game time they made their way onto the pitch, earning shouts and screams in return.

The crowd was much larger due to their season ending, and most students wanted to get out of school.

"YG! YG! YG!"

Cheerleaders were hyping up the crowd as the players warmed up. Lisa spotted Rosé in the crowd, and smiled.

Rosé caught her eye and waved. Lisa has never seen her so happy. She's changed these last few months.

Rosé was no longer quiet, or bitter, or unhappy. She carried herself with a new attitude. She was smiling more, making new friends, and letting her personality shine. She was finally allowing herself to have fun.

Her smile was so bright her eyes were squinting. She held a pom pom in her hand, and had red paint under her eyes, matching with Jisoo's.

Her eyes are torn away from Rosé when Jennie throws a ball at her. "Pay attention!" Jennie smiles.

Lisa smiles Dopily and focuses back on her warm up.


The girls were playing extremely well, but had yet to score. The hot sun was beating down on them as the bleachers remained full of students.

Jisoo and Rosé were cheering like crazy, waving their pom poms around while Jennie and Lisa made their way down the field.

"Go Lisa!!" Rosé shouts.

There wasn't a lot of time left, but they still had a chance. Jennie was on a breakaway making the crowd go wild.

"Go Unnie!!"

Just as Jennie was going to kick it, Krystal came out of nowhere and slid into her.

"OOHHHHH!!" The crowd grimaces.


"Well shit."

Jennie was on the ground groaning in pain as the ref blue his whistle.

He took out his bookie and held up a bright red card making half the crowd cheer and the away team boo.

Lisa rushed over with the medteam and one of the managers.

"Shit Jen, are you okay?"

Jennie shook her head as she covered her eyes with her arm. "I think it's my ankle." She grimaces.

Lisa stayed by Jennie's side as their medic took a look.

"Does it hurt when I do this?" He asks pressing lightly onto it.

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