Ch 11. Girl in Luv.

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"Thank you so much for this opportunity. I cannot thank you enough."

"It's not a problem eomma-nim." Lisa smiles as she hugs the crying woman. "I'm happy to help."

"Am I allowed to tell Rosé?" Ms. Park asks.

"Actually, I'm going to offer her a job too. Don't worry, just as a tutor. It's good pay as well." Lisa says.

"I don't know Lalisa, you've already done so much. I don't want you to think we're taking advantage—"

"Eomma-nim. There's no need to worry. I don't think that. I'm simply offering a hand."

"Can I ask why you're doing this?" Ms. Park says as she wipes her tears.

Lisa smiles lightly and nods. "I've been given a lot of power at a young age. If others were in my situation, they might use it for their own benefit and greed, but I don't want to use it that way. I want to see how I can use it to benefit others. To help out a fellow human being so to speak."

"I can see that you and Rosé are good hardworking people, and you deserve better." Lisa says.

"Thank you so much Lalisa. I can never repay you for your kindness." Ms. Park says hugging her again.

"Knowing that you guys are happy is payment enough."


When lunch was over Chaeyoung went to her locker to change her books. She screamed in surprise when someone slammed there hand against the locker next to her.

She turned around quickly, losing her breath when she realizes who it is.

Lisa brought her other hand up to rest next to Chaeyoung's head so that she was pinned.

"Aish you look the same from head to toe. The swelling hasn't gone down." Lalisa says quietly. "I've gotten more attractive in the last hour. Also I have something for you." She adds.

She watches in amusement when Chaeyoung closes her eyes tightly. Lisa pushes herself off of the lockers and sticks her hands into her pockets instead.

"I have a job offer." Lisa says making Chaeyoung's eyes pop back open. "I need a tutor."

"Why are you asking me?" Chaeyoung says.

"I need someone to teach me English." Lisa says again.

"I-I don't know English." Chaeyoung lies.

"You're lying." Lisa says crossing her arms.

"How do you know?"

"Do you want the job or not?" Lisa raises her brows. "I promise it'll pay you a whole lot more than baskets, and I only need an hour of your time after school."

Chaeyoung contemplated it for a moment before sighing causing Lisa to smile in victory.


"Great. You start tomorrow." Lisa smiles happily before walking away. What Chaeyoung didn't need to know was that she was perfectly fluent in English. "Don't forget about dinner!"


"Oh god she's here!" Lisa shouts as she looks out the window. She quickly ran to the kitchen to where Jennie was cooking.

"Jennie yah! She's here! Go go go!" Lisa shoos.

"What the hell do you mean go?! I'm not done!" Jennie says.

Lisa's eyes widen when the doorbell rings, and she slaps Jennie's arm. "Go! Hide!"

"Hide where?!"

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