Ch 27. Personal Protection.

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All of them were finally back at school after their trip. While Chaeyoung's mom had gone back to work.

The roar of Lisa's motorcycle captured the attention of students as it pulled into the lot, like it always did.

Chaeyoung was already at school waiting for Lisa. Her attention was drawn to her just like the rest of the student body.

Lisa got off of her bike, removing her helmet to reveal long dirty blonde hair and charming smile. If people weren't watching then, they definitely were now.

A group of girls giggled and waved as Lisa passed by them and Lisa gave them a wink back.

What a flirt. Chaeyoung laughs in her head.

"Hey Lalisa!" Bobby waves as him and his friends practically drool over her.

"Hey Bobby," Lisa waves.

Chaeyoung tilts her head and crosses her arms as Lisa approaches her.

"Would you like to stare a little longer like the rest of them?" Lisa smiles teasingly.

Chaeyoung could see that everyone's eyes were on them, so she just smiles and says no thanks before turning around and going into the school.

Lisa's eyes fall down to her ass and she whistles in appreciation, following after her.


"Everyone get a partner, we'll be starting a new presentation project. You'll have a work period today to work on it, but the rest is up to you. Due next Friday." The teacher instructs.

"Hey Chaeng, wanna be partners?" Jisoo asks, turning in her seat.

Chaeyoung nods with a smile. Her and Jisoo were partners for everything.

"Yo Jennie!" Lisa calls across the classroom.


"You're my partner!"

"I know!"

"Ms Monoban, Ms Kim, is it so hard to get up and ask at a normal volume?" Mrs. Jung says.

"Sorry Mrs. Jung." Lisa waves her hand in apology while Jennie just rolls her eyes.

Lisa pulls out her phone and texts Jennie instead.

Nalalisa: Are we actually going to do this?

Jenjen: Hell no.

Nalalisa: What are we gonna do then?

Jenjen: What we always do. Get Nayeon to do it.

Nalalisa: What If our girlfriend's get mad?

Jenjen: they don't have to know.

Lisa looks up at Jennie to see her rolling her eyes at the teacher. She really didn't care about school or anyone—minus Jisoo— and that's why everyone admired her.

Once class was over they met up at Chaeyoung's locker. Lisa almost wanted to throw up seeing Jennie gaze at Jisoo like she was the only girl in the world.

"Ew gross, can you stop eye fucking Jisoo for two seconds." Lisa grimaces.

"I am not!"

"Oh please. You can't take your eyes off of her ever since our last night in Australia." Lisa says making Jisoo blush.

"Whatever Monoban." Jennie grumbles.

"Anyways, Chaeyoung is coming over to work on our project tonight, you guys can come by if you don't have any plans." Jisoo says.

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