Ch 10. Phone Calls.

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1 Week Later

It had been exactly a week since Lisa and Momo broke up and Lisa was starting to slowly get over her. Things seemed to be going well for her and she found herself spending more and more time with Chaeyoung.

Jennie had found herself doing the same with Jisoo. They had been out alone on a few occasions but Jennie couldn't quite work up the nerve to ask her out on an actual date yet.

She was currently in the locker room wiping the sweat off of her body after a tough practice. All of the girls had already gone home, leaving her alone.


"AISH—Jisoo!" Jennie shouts quickly covering her exposed abdomen, since she was only in her shorts and sports bra. " just gave me a heart attack." She sighs as she tries to catch her breath.

"Sorry." Jisoo says meekly. "I was waiting for your practice to end. You're taking a long time, everyone has already left."

Jennie clears her throat and composes herself.

Be confident. She tells herself.

"Yeah, I was gonna take a shower." Jennie says while removing her towel and shoving it into her locker. "Don't barge in here from now on. There might be others in here." She says.

Jisoo frowns slightly. "Did you listen to my acceptance speech?"

Jisoo had won an election for the student body president and Jennie had helped her with her campaign. Of course she won, cause who didn't love Jisoo?

"I heard it from Kim Taehyung." Jennie says distractedly as she packs her stuff into her gym bag and throws on her Nike jacket.

She's startled when Jisoo grabs onto the lapels of her jacket roughly, so that they're facing each other.

"How long are you going to make me wait?" Jisoo demands. "I like you so much more than you like me and I've been chasing you around for the last week!" She says, before looking away from Jennie's eyes sadly. "It's not a crime to like someone. My feelings are about to get hurt now." She mumbles through a pout.

Jennie lets out a sigh and closes her locker. "Jisoo yah."

"What?" Jisoo mutters.

"I don't usually drop honorfics and I always call people by their full name." Jennie says.

"What are you saying?" Jisoo mumbles.

"When a woman does something out of the norm, it's because she's interested." Jennie says before clasping their hands together. She moves it behind Jisoo's head and pulls her closer.

She leans in and gives Jisoo a quick kiss, no where near long enough for Jisoo to register it as the girl looks at her in surprise.

So she does it again.

Their lips move against each others fluidly as Jisoo's hands grip onto the material of her jacket.

Jennie slowly pulls away as doe eyes look slightly up at her with a small smile.

"We're dating now." Jennie says.


"Hi Jennie!"

"Hey." Jennie nods to the students waving to her. She goes to her locker to grab her books.

"Jennie yah," Lisa greets coming up to her.

"What's up?" Jennie asks.

"I'm going to ask Chaeyoung to come over tonight for dinner, can you help me?" Lisa asks.

"Dinner, as in you're going to cook for her?" Jennie raises her brows.

"Yeah." Lisa smiles.

"But you don't know how to cook..." Jennie says skeptically.

"Exactly why I'm asking for your help."

Jennie narrows her eyes at her. "You mean you want me to make the dinner and then you're going to tell her you made it?"

Lisa smiles innocently and nods.

"And since you're the best, best friend ever, you're going to do it right?"

"What's in it for me?" Jennie says crossing her arms.

"Whatever you want." Lisa says immediately.

"Okay. 24 hour servant service for a whole week, meaning whenever I call for you you'll be there to fulfill my demands." Jennie says.

"Whatttt, for a whole week?" Lisa whines.

"Do you want the dinner or not?"

"Fine. On one condition, no demands between 12 am and 6am." Lisa says.

"Make it 5am and you got a Deal." Jennie says.

"Fine." Lisa nods holding out her hand.

They do their best friend handshake before parting their separate ways.

Lisa's phone starts to ring and she immediately picks it up, seeing that it's from her father.


"Lalisa. Can you come down to the building on the West end during lunch. I have very exciting news for you." Her Appa says.

"Of course. I'll see you there."

"Bye Lisa."

"Bye Appa."


Lisa was making her way to class when she saw Chaeyoung at her locker. She smiled and immediately made her way over.

"Aish you're eyes are totally swollen." Lisa sighs as she approaches her. "Didn't you get any sleep?"

"Well, someone bought all of my baskets. So I stayed up making more." Chaeyoung says with a small smile on her face.

Lisa chuckles and pokes Chaeyoung's cheek. "Next time I won't buy so many." She says. "Don't worry too much Chaeyoung, everything will work out. Okay?"

Chaeyoung nods and rubs her eyes slightly.

"Let's go, before we're late." Lisa says turning to walk down the hall.

Chaeyoung cracks a small smile and follows after her.


When it came to lunch time, Jisoo found herself seated across from Chaeyoung as they ate in the cafeteria.

"So are you going to tell me now?" Jisoo asks.

"Well...Lisa asked me to go over to her house for dinner." Chaeyoung smiles shyly.

"No way!" Jisoo smiles grabbing her hand. "This is so exciting Chae!"

"Shh!" Chaeyoung giggles.

"You're going right?"

"Yeah." Chaeyoung sighs.


Meanwhile Lisa waited nervously outside the door of a small house. She composed herself and knocked on it.

"I hope she's home." Lisa says to herself.

The door opens and Lisa looks up.


"Hi, is it okay if I come in for a minute?" Lisa asks "it's important."

"Of course."


A/N: Any Guesses on Who it might be? 😱

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