Ch 38. Old & New Friends.

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2 Weeks Later.

After two weeks, Rosé and Lisa were all moved into their new home. They still had another week until Chaeyoung's first class and the two were making the most of it.

It was mid afternoon. A hot one in the city of Melbourne. Lisa had a pair of shades on, some jean shorts, and a tank top to keep cool.

"Wait Babe! Wait for me!" Chaeyoung laughs, jumping onto Lisa's back.  

They were at the beach, for the tenth time since they've moved there. Rosé just loved it way too much.

Lisa smiles and tightens her hold on her. Their laughter fills the air as Lisa starts to run faster. She stops once she gets too tired and sets Rosé down in the sand.

"You finally caught me." Lisa chuckles.

"You were running too fast," Rosé smiles.

Lisa has her arms around her waist as she gives Rosé a kiss.

"Are you hungry?" Lisa asks.

"Mm Always." Rosé nods.

"Well then, come on chipmunk." Lisa says pinching her cheek.

Hand in hand they walk down the street to a restaurant, sharing light conversation and laughs on the way.

"Are you excited for school or what?" Lisa asks, putting her arm on her shoulders.

"I am. I'm also super nervous. I mean it's a new school in a different country, it won't be anything like back home."

"You shouldn't be nervous babe, you'll do great. I know it." Lisa smiles.

"What are you gonna be doing while I'm at school?" Rosé leans into her.

"I am gonna be working from home for a few weeks. Until my own office is good to go at least." Lisa shrugs. "A couple shoots here and there."

"You won't be too bored will you?"

"No, but I do miss Jennie and Jisoo." Lisa pouts.

"Me too." Rosé sighs. "But we'll see them soon, when they visit!"

"Yeah but that's in a whole two weeks," Lisa whines.

"We can get through it babe." Rosé pats her arm reassuringly.

Lisa opens the door to the restaurant for her. They're seated quickly and given menus.

"Maybe we should make some new friends." Rosé suggest.

"I guess you're right." Lisa nods.

"I'm always right." She grins making Lisa chuckle.

"You'll be making tons of new friends when you go to school. Just like kindergarten."

"Hopefully." Rosé smiles.


After Lunch the two went back to their apartment for some downtime. The TV was on as background noise, while Lisa typed emails up for work and Rosé read over her class schedule.

Chaeyoung's phone started ringing and she picked it up.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Pasta, I need a favour." Jisoo says.

"Sure what is it?" Rosé asks with furrowed brows.

"Could you open your door for a sec?"

"My door?" Rosé questions, but she goes to open it anyways.

Jisoo hangs up the phone and gives her a cheeky smile. "Surprise."

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