Ch 23. Phone Calls.

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A/N: Not gonna lie it's a bit dry.


Lisa laid on her bed with her phone in hand as she dialled the number she'd been calling a lot recently.


"Hey babe," Lisa answers. "I just wanted to call to say goodnight. How did today go?"

"They told me they'd keep in touch. So I guess if they don't call me back in the next few days I'll come home early." Chaeyoung says.

"I'm sure they'll call Rosie." Lisa assures. "And when they do, you better tell me." She says.

"I will don't worry." Chaeyoung chuckles.

"How's Australia? Is it everything you've dreamed of?" Lisa smiles.

"It's really beautiful, the school is wonderful. I just wish you and my mom were here to see it." Chaeyoung gushes.

Lisa smiles hearing the happy tone in Chaeyoung's voice. She could see it in her head and it made her heart flutter.

"I miss you." Lisa says.

"You do?"

Lisa can hear the smile in her voice.

"Of course I do." Lisa chuckles. "I miss you like crazy."

"I miss you too." Chaeyoung whispers.

Lisa shifts on her pillow. "I'll see you soon okay. You should get some rest for tomorrow."

"Yeah, you should too." Chaeyoung says quietly.

"Goodnight, I love you." Lisa says.

"I love you too. Sweet dreams." Chaeyoung says.

"Sweet dreams." Lisa says before they're hanging up.

She sighs and sets her phone down on the bedside table, shutting the light off in the process before closing her eyes and asleep.


"I did it! Lisa, I did it!" Chaeyoung says excitedly on the phone.

Lisa was busy brushing her teeth while she held her phone to her ear.

"You did!" Lisa mumbles with her brush in her mouth. "When is it?!"

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow afternoon." Chaeyoung says.

"That's so exciting babe, I'm so proud!"

"They said that this should be the last one."

"That's great, does that mean you could be coming back early?"

"Possibly. I'm not sure yet. I hope I can, I really miss all of you guys."

"Have you told the girls yet?" Lisa asks.

"Not yet. I wanted to tell you first, or I guess you're second since I told my eomma first."

"that's okay." Lisa chuckles. "I don't mind being second to your mother. She's a sweet woman."

"Lalisa, do you have a crush on my mother?" Chaeyoung teases.

"Maybe." Lisa giggles. "Am I allowed to have both?"

"Yah Lalisa," Chaeyoung laughs.

"Okay baby, I gotta drive to school. I'll talk to you later." Lisa says while hopping onto her motorcycle. "When's your audition again?"

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