Ch 3. She Totally Likes You.

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A/N: A little more on Chaeyoung's life.


Chaeyoung sighs as she sets her bag neatly down in her bedroom. She liked to keep it clean since she shared a room with her eomma, and she didn't want to create extra work for her mother.

She quietly sat down next to the small cot and smiled softly as her eomma laid asleep.

She must've finished work early, and came home to rest before going back to her other job.

Chaeyoung leaned forward and silently kissed her forehead causing her eomma to open her eyes.

"Chaeyoung." She smiles softly. "You're home."

"Yes. I was just about to head back out to make it in time for the markets rush hour." Chaeyoung says.

"You should eat first Rosie." Eomma says while sitting up.

Her mother was still young and beautiful, but keeping up with two jobs was starting to make its physical appearance. Despite those things her eyes remained young and she kept a positive smile on her face for Chaeyoung.

"Come, I'll warm up the left over for you to pack up." She smiles and Chaeyoung nods eagerly.


The sun was setting and the markets rush was slowly dying off. Chaeyoung packed up her stuff and made her way home, knowing her mother didn't like if she stayed out too late.

It was dangerous for a young girl like her, especially in the area they lived in.

When she got home her mother was just packing to leave for her next job.

"Hi sweetie, how was it?" Eomma asks.

"Good, I sold them all. Jisoo is coming over soon to help make more." Chaeyoung says.

"Okay. Make sure you don't stay up too late, and finish your homework." Eomma says kissing Chaeyoung's cheek. "Love you."

"I will. I love you too."


"So I saw that Lalisa was talking to you earlier. What about?" Jisoo asks as she sets down a bag.

"What's in the bag?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Dinner." Jisoo smiles.

"Unnie, you didn't have to. I've already eaten." Chaeyoung says.

"Well then it's for your eomma." Jisoo says, giving her a knowing smile.

"Aish What would I do without you." Chaeyoung sighs.

"Let's not find out." Jisoo says. "Now answer my question."

"Um She was asking about the buy out." Chaeyoung says.

"Are you going?"

"No, but she offered me a ticket."

"Awe, She did? And you still said no?"

"You know I can't Unnie." Chaeyoung sighs as she starts on making the straw baskets.

"I know." Jisoo sighs. "But you deserve to have fun too."

"Well she invited me to the game on Friday." Chaeyoung says.

"Ouu she totally likes you." Jisoo teases.

"Don't be ridiculous. She has a girlfriend." Chaeyoung chuckles. "What about you? Anyone you're interested in?"

Jisoo blushes but otherwise shakes her head. "Not really." She mumbles shyly.

"You can tell me unnie." Chaeyoung teases.

"It's nothing..." Jisoo shakes off.

"Okay, but if you ever want to talk, I'll be here." Chaeyoung says.

"Thanks Pasta." She smiles.


A/N: for those who were wondering, I really did get it off tumblr and I had no intention of plagiarizing someone else's work, if you can even call it that. It's purely coincidental.

When I find out that I've written something almost the same as someone else I get really bummed

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When I find out that I've written something almost the same as someone else I get really bummed.

Cause I want to give you guys something different and original. :) ✌🏽

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