Ch 29. We Need to Talk.

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"We need to talk."

The dreaded phrase of every couple. Nothing good ever came out of it and Jisoo knew that. Which is why she pulled the covers higher and looked at Jennie nervously.

"O-okay." Jisoo stutters.

Jennie could see that she was nervous, and she didn't like it one bit.

She went over to the bed and sat against the headboard, opening her arms to Jisoo.

Jisoo moved into them without hesitation. It comforted her nerves a little.

"I'm not a good person Jisoo." Is the first thing she says.

It makes a lump form in Jisoo's throat, cause that's how breakups start.

"I do bad things. It's not something I'm proud of, but I also can't stop. The only thing that can stop me is you."

She pauses to let out a shaky breath, looking down at Jisoo's head on her chest.

"What I do, can put you in danger and it makes me want to stop." Jennie says. "But I can't...cause this is my life now. I participate in drag races and make thousands of dollars a night doing so." She admits.

"I've gotten in three crashes and have made two million dollars in the last two years I've been racing. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."

Jisoo stays silent for awhile and it worries Jennie. The older girl moves her head off of her chest to look at her.

"If I asked you to stop, would you?"

Jennie almost wants to say yes. But she knows she can't.

"I...I can't."

"But you could die." Jisoo says tearfully.

"I know Jisoo." Jennie says quietly. "That's why I'm telling you."

"I can't lose you Jennie. Don't you get that?" Jisoo cries.

"I can't lose you either Jisoo. So if you want to break up with me, do it quick, because I don't want you to get hurt."

"Breaking up with you would hurt me more. I need you in my life Jennie. If that means being your girlfriend and hoping and praying each night you go out for a race that you come back then so be it. Because I just want you."

"I'm telling you that if you don't go now Jisoo...I'll never be able to let you go."

"Then I'm not leaving."

The Next Morning;

Lisa woke up first, her eyes fluttering Open with a tired sigh. She looked down at Chaeyoung asleep in her arms, and felt a small wave of relief wash over her.

She was here and she was safe.

With that thought in her mind, her hold tightens around Chaeyoung's, not in a restricting way, but enough to make Chaeyoung's eyes to open briefly and turn over in her arms.

Lisa rubs her back and presses a lingering kiss to the top of her head.

They had already had their talk after the whole Luhan situation. Rosé had begged her to stop racing and Lisa had agreed.

That didn't mean she would stop going. She owed it Jennie to keep going, it wasn't necessarily safe to go alone. Jennie was her best friend after all.

The one downfall to that agreement is that Rosé had insisted on going at least once to see what it was all about.

She was drawn out of her thoughts when soft lips kissed hers.

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