Ch 36. Me and You.

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After spending a weekend at the lake house the girls were all back home. Rosé had spent the first few nights back at home with her mother, which was torture for Lisa.

She couldn't sleep that well without her after getting used to sleeping with her. In a non dirty way of course.

But not today. Today was different. Lisa woke up to that same familiar scent she had grown accustomed to. The warmth of the body in her arms comforting her enough to keep her eyes shut.

A set of hips pressed perfectly into her own as a soft hum filled her ears.

Lisa felt Rosé turn in her arms, a usual sign that she was starting to wake up.

She kept her eyes shut and felt a soft finger trace it's way from her temple down her jaw, with the softest touch.

Soon the whole palm of Chaeyoung's hand was resting upon her cheek. A light kiss was pressed to her lips.

She tried hard not to smile and pretended to still be asleep.

Rosé did it again, putting a little more into it. When she pulled away she caught Lisa's lips quirking up slightly.

She smiles and kisses Lisa hard, rolling slightly on top of her. Lisa smiles into the kiss with a giggle as she turns on her back.

"You're awake." Rosé says in between short kisses.

"I am now," Lisa mumbles against soft lips. Her thumbs run over Chaeyoung's hips, igniting the soft skin with tingles.

Rosé smiles and rests her head back into Lisa's neck.

"What's the plan?"

"The plan is, to check the next thing off of my bucket list." Lisa says reaching over to grab her phone.

"And what's that?" Rosé asks.

"It is to spend the whole day in bed with you my dear Rosie." Lisa smiles, kissing her forehead.

"That's your plan." Rosé chuckles.

"Yup." Lisa smiles. "You look so cute right now, please let me take a picture."

"No. Absolutely not. I haven't even brushed my teeth yet." Rosé shakes her head hiding her face deep into Lisa's neck.

"Oh come on Chaeng," Lisa smiles trying to coax Chaeyoung out.

She takes a few photos of them in that position before pinching Chaeyoung's cheek.

"Come on chipmunk."

Rosé lifts her head out of her neck with a grin. "Nope!" She smiles, pecking Lisa's lips before hopping out of bed and disappearing into the bathroom.

"Aish I'm so gonna Marry her." Lisa sighs to herself.


Lisa saunters back into the room with popcorn and smiles when she sees Chaeyoung in her bed.

Her long legs exposed under Lisa's white T shirt she had stolen. Her face was make up free, her hair tied up in a messy bun. A pair of glasses comfortably resting on her face as she read whatever Magazine Lisa had lying around.

Lisa is sure it's the most beautiful sight she's ever seen. Her girlfriend lying comfortably in her white sheets without a worry in the world.

"Marry me." Lisa blurts out as she tosses the popcorn bag onto the bed.

"Okay." Rosé smiles.

"I'd do anything to see you like this everyday." Lisa sighs while laying down next to her.

"I look like a slob," Rosé laughs.

"The hottest slob I've ever seen." Lisa says. "So, what movie did you pick?" She asks grabbing her laptop.

"The Little Mermaid."

"No surprises there." Lisa chuckles. "I don't even know why I asked."

She presses play and grabs her phone to distract herself. She's seen it about a thousand times in her life time, half of those times with Rosé.

"Babe, you're not even paying attention." Rosé whines.

"I've seen it a million times Chaeng."

"But I want to watch it again, can you just watch?" She pouts.

Lisa sighs through her nose and tosses her phone. "Fine."

"Yes!" Rosé smiles and gives her a kiss.

Lisa smiles too, because it was definitely worth it. Just seeing Rosé smile was enough reason to watch the little mermaid a thousand more times.


They spend the day in pure happiness. Lisa chases her around with her camera, trying to capture Chaeyoung's beauty.

They take silly selfies together in bed to cherish forever.

Rosé sings her a song and Lisa tells her funny stories over and over just to hear her laugh.

They have pillow fights and laugh until their stomachs hurt. The sun glowing on Chaeyoung's face, causing an angelic glow.

They lay in bed and talk for hours about nothing and everything. Or they sit in silence, Rosé watching a movie, Lisa settling to watch her.

Lisa orders pizza and they sit on the floor and talk about life. Lisa's head in her lap. Chaeyoung's pepperoni falls off her pizza and onto Lisa's face. Earning her a few kisses to get rid of the sauce.

Their small kisses get out of hand as they lay in bed and they spend hours memorizing each other's bodies.

At some point their clothes end up littering bedroom floor. The daylight retreats and they're back to cuddling.

The tv is on but neither of them are paying attention. Rosé has her head resting on the same pillow as hers. Their faces so close that with a faint shift the tips of their noses would brush.

"What are we gonna do after summer? I'll be going to Australia..." Rosé whispers. "If we try long distance, things might change. We'll have less time for each other, we won't be able to see each other often. We couldn't even handle a week from each other. I'm just...I'm scared. I'm scared that things will change."

"Things are going to change Park Chaeyoung. It's inevitable..."

She holds Chaeyoung's hand delicately in hers.

"But they're going to change for the better because I'm coming with you."

"I don't want to hold you back Lisa."

"You're not. The company is looking to extend our fashion line anyways and I can do that from Australia." Lisa shrugs. "I'm coming with you, unless you want me to stay that is."

"Of course I want to go with you." Rosé assures. "I just don't want you to resent me in the future."

"Listen Baby, things will work out in the end. I promise you. I don't want you to worry." Lisa says kissing her forehead. "Long distance relationships are hard, and I don't want to go through that with you. Everything will be okay."

"Okay...if you say so." Rosé sighs, hugging her tightly.

"I know so." Lisa says.

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