Ch 19. Meeting Again.

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A/N: Park Bom with Ppoong Ppoong is the cutest thing I've ever seen.


"Someone has stolen my baby Ppoong Ppoong out of my locker and I want to know who it is." Jisoo demands.

"How do you know it was stolen? Maybe you lost it." Chaeyoung says.

"I didn't lose it, I saw the person take it!" Jisoo slams her hand angrily.

"And you didn't stop them?" Lisa laughs.

"No. I didn't want them to beat me up." Jisoo says. "But I know a little about what they look like."

They watch as she pulls out a piece of paper with a hooded figure sketched on it. Only it's lips visible.

"How is that going to help you?" Chaeyoung asks.

"I'm going to check every single students lips until I find my culprit." Jisoo says while putting it away.

"Isn't that a little dramatic?" Jennie asks. "It's just a little stuffy babe."

"It is not just a little stuffy Jendeukie, it's important to me." Jisoo huffs.

"Jendeukie?" Lisa teases.

"Yeah, I came up with it. Cause whenever Jennie sleeps over, she gets clingy when she sleeps." Jisoo smiles.

"Well that's—"

"Tease me Monoban. Just see what happens." Jennie warns with a glare.

"Like you could beat me up." Lisa rolls her eyes.

"You wanna go?" Jennie raises her brows.

"Yeah, lets go right now." Lisa says while raising her fist.

Jennie lifts her fists and playfully punches her. "Pang!"

"Wahpow!" Lisa imitates while pretending to uppercut Jennie.

"You guys are so lame." Chaeyoung chuckles.


"You're dead." Jisoo smirks as she holds up her drawing. "Stop. Come here." She says to one of the students in the hall.

Chaeyoung holds up a piece of paper to cover their face as the two examine their lips.

"Nope." Jisoo shakes her head.

"Pass." Chaeyoung says.

They do it to a number of students until Lisa and Bam Bam are stopping in front of them.

"Wait." Jisoo holds her hand up.

"Wae?" Lisa asks.

Jisoo lifts a sheet of paper over her face.

"Hey hold on." Lisa says while moving the paper. "Am I a suspect too? Aish come on, this isn't right."

Jisoo clicks her tongue. "I'm desperate."

"Fine. Lets do whatever we can." Lisa says while lifting the sheet. "Good?"

Jisoo smiles and lifts her drawing to compare. Her brows furrow and she frowns.

She leans in closer to inspect Lisa's lips.

"Jisoo yah, stop staring. You look like you'll kiss her." Chaeyoung says while pulling them apart.

Lisa smirks knowing Chaeyoung was jealous.

"Aish Pass." Jisoo sighs.

They do Bam Bam next only to see that it was neither of them. The two nodded and headed into class.

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