Ch 32. Rejections.

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The next day, Jisoo found herself laying alone in bed when someone knocked on her door.

"Come in," Jisoo says.

"What's up?" Irene asks sitting on her bed.

"Just a little bit of homework." Jisoo says.

"Gosh you're such a nerd Chu," Irene teases.

"I am not a nerd! I just value my education." Jisoo says. "What are you doing here anyways?"

"Well I was wondering if you've picked out your prom dress yet?"

"No." Jisoo sighs sadly. "I don't even think I'm going."

"What do you mean you're not going?" Irene says. "You have to! It's your senior prom!"

Jisoo just shrugs. "Jennie hasn't asked me yet. I don't think it's really her scene." She says.

"That's ridiculous Jisoo, if you wanna go you should."

"I do wanna go. But I don't want to go without her. She's my girlfriend you know."

"Why don't you ask her then?" Irene says.

"What?" Jisoo laughs.

"Ask her." Irene shrugs. "Who says Jennie has to ask you? You're both girls."

"But Jennie...I don't know. I don't think she'd want me to ask her." Jisoo says nervously.

"Why not? Does she wear the pants Jisoo?" Irene smiles teasingly.

"Shut up," Jisoo chuckles.

The door bell rings interrupting their conversation.

"I'll go see who it is." Jisoo says.

She walks downstairs and opens the door.

"Oh my god Jennie!" Her eyes widen and she immediately closes it.

She looks down at her clothes to see that she was in pyjama shorts and a tank top with no bra on. Her hair was in a messy bun and she was barefaced.

"Oh god I'm a mess. She can't see me like this." Jisoo's says stressfully.

There's a knock on the door making Jisoo grimace. She couldn't just leave Jennie standing out there.

She opens the door a crack and peeks past it. "Hi babe," She smiles nervously.

"Hi," Jennie chuckles. She moves her hands from behind her back to reveal flowers and a paper bag. "Surprise!" She smiles. "Can I come in?"

"Oh uh...Now is not really a good time." Jisoo says making Jennie frown.

Jisoo swallows nervously and glances down at her clothes.

"I don't really look good right now."

"Please Jichu? I brought your favourite." Jennie pouts while holding up the bag.

Jisoo sighs and opens the door fully to let Jennie in. Jennie smiles in victory.

She looks down at the floor to hide her face and Jennie closes the door.

"You look cute babe." Jennie smiles. She lifts Jisoo's chin making the older girl blush.

Jisoo gives her a small smile and grabs her hand. "Let's go to my room."

She drags Jennie up the stairs and to her room, locking the door behind her.

Jennie lays down on her bed and sets the bag down.

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