Ch 21. Falling Apart & For You.

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Lisa closed her eyes once she heard an angry Chaeyoung approaching her.

What she didn't expect was to see Chaeyoung staring at her with teary eyes that made her heart break.

"I told you no! I said not to do it and you did it anyways! How could you!?" She shouts while slamming her arms against Lisa.

Lisa took the beating because she knew she deserved it.

"Why?! Why?! Would you do that?!" Chaeyoung sobs gaining the attention of everyone in the hall.

Jennie and Jisoo watched them with curiosity and concern. Lisa made eye contact and shook her head telling them not to get involved.

Chaeyoung slams her hands on Lisa's chest a final time before clutching onto her and crying into her chest.

Lisa brings her arms up to hold her tightly. Like she'll never be able to do it ever again.


Students break their eyes away and scatter, afraid of what Jennie Kim is capable of.

Jisoo slips her hand into Jennie's to calm her down. She pulls her away to give Lisa and Chaeyoung a little privacy.

Lisa does her best to take in every detail of Chaeyoung in her arms. The scent, the warmth, her everything.

"Chaeyoung ah..." Lisa whispers and she regrets it, because as soon as the words leave her mouth Chaeyoung is pulling away and running away from her.


She was stubborn. She followed Chaeyoung to see her lock herself in one of the empty classrooms.

Lisa was getting desperate and it hasn't even been more than 24 hours.

"Park Chaeyoung!" Lisa banged on the door. "Let me in!" She continued knocking and begging.

"Chaeyoung ah! I love you!" Lisa says while leaning her head on the door. "I love you. Please open the door." She begs.

It went on for a few minutes until she gave up. She sat with her back against the door, with Chaeyoung unknowingly doing the same thing on the opposite side.

"I did it because I love you." Lisa cries. Closing her eyes she leaned her head back to rest against the door.

"Lisa yah," she hears a soft voice call.

Lisa opens her eyes to see Jisoo kneeling down to her level and Jennie leaning against the lockers across from her.

"Lisa yah, you should go. Give her some space. I'll talk to her." Jisoo says while offering a hand.

Lisa sniffles and hesitantly looks at Jisoo's hand.

"She just needs time." Jisoo urges.

She looks over Jisoo's shoulder and Jennie gives her a nod.

Lisa nods and takes Jisoo's hand, allowing the older girl to lift her up.

"I'll take you home." Jennie says while pushing herself off.


"Eomma nim." Lisa greets.

"Lalisa?" Chaeyoung's eomma says in question.

Lisa gives her a bow. They were at one of her father's offices, specifically the one where Chaeyoung's eomma worked at obviously.

"I need to speak to you about something important do you mind?" Lisa asks.

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