Ch 40. You Are My Everything.

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3 Years Later

Today was the day.

The day every guy or girl became nervous about. The day that lead up to the fantasy that every little girl dreamed about. She felt all the emotions she thought she would feel, on a much higher scale. Everything was heightened.

Her nerves. Her excitement. Her happiness. Her doubt. Not with her decision exactly, but the reaction of the other.

The sound of her own heart was beating loud and fast in her chest. She thought that she might faint again. It wouldn't be the first time.

Her palms were sweaty only making her nerves worse, cause no one wants to hold sweaty hands.

A light squeeze makes her brain snap back into reality.

"Lisa? Are you okay?" Rosé asks worriedly.

Lisa's eyes flicker around. They were still at the beach. Her toes were still in the cool sand. Loud ocean waves in the distance. Stars still twinkling above them.

Today was a celebration. Rosé had just graduated. It marked a new chapter, not just in her life, but Lisa's as well.

They were growing as people, and as a couple. The two acknowledged that, which is why Lisa had prepared a special date, ending with a walk on the beach.

Much like the other endings to their dates.

Rosé cups her cheek in concern. "Lisa, are you feeling okay?"

Lisa nods furiously. She could feel the sheen of sweat on her forehead as she swallowed thickly.

"I'm just-I Uh need to tell you something." Lisa manages to say.

She held both of Rosé's hands in hers and looked deeply into familiar brown eyes.

"What is it?" Rosé asks quietly.

"Park Chaeyoung..." Lisa swallows thickly. "People used to say that I was the girl that had everything. I could have anything in a simple phone call. Except for the one thing that I wanted most. That one thing was seen as the girl that had Nothing. That one thing became my everything within a few short months. That one thing made me realize that without her, I had nothing."

She takes a moment to release a deep breath. "You are that One Thing, Park Chaeyoung. Without you I have nothing...because you are my everything."

She lets go of Rosé's hands to pat herself down, searching for the one item she needed. Eventually she reached into her back pocket and recovered the box.

It was crazy to think how important something so small could be. How much it represented was immaculate.

Chaeyoung's eyes were already glistening. Understandably so.

"So with that being said..." Lisa falls to one knee and smiles up at her, feeling her nerves wash away with the retreating tide. "Would you Park Chaeyoung, be my everything until the end of time?"

Chaeyoung was crying up until the point where she couldn't speak. She nodded her head furiously and bent down to hug Lisa tightly.

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