Ch 4. We're Friends now.

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The Next Day;

Chaeyoung was switching her books out at her locker when she feels a presence behind her.

She turns around and jumps when she sees Lisa.

"Jesus! Don't do that!" Chaeyoung scolds.

"Sorry," Lisa giggles. "Have you made your decision about Friday?"

"Um no. I'm sorry."

"Please come. It's the championship game, you can't miss it." Lisa says.

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because we're friends now." Lisa smiles.

"Says who?"

"Me." Lisa shrugs.

"Don't you have a girlfriend to tend to?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Not at the moment." Lisa shrugs. "So are you still not coming today?"

"Yes." Chaeyoung nods as they walk down the hall.

"Yes you're coming?"

"No. I mean yes, I mean no—I'm not coming to the game." Chaeyoung says.

"Mm well that's a shame." Lisa says as they enter the classroom. "What are you doing for lunch?"

"I'm going home. My eomma will be there and I won't be able to see her tonight." Chaeyoung says.

"Really? Where do you live?" Lisa asks.

"None of your business." Chaeyoung says.

She didn't want Lisa to know where she lived. It was already embarrassing enough that she couldn't afford a ticket.


"Should we maybe get a tutor?" Jisoo asks.

"Maybe, I'm not sure yet." Chaeyoung says as the walk together.

"It wouldn't hurt to get extra help." Jisoo shrugs.

"I guess you're right." Chaeyoung nods.

Loud cheers caught their attention and Jisoo grabs her hand before pulling Chaeyoung towards the bleachers of the Soccer Field.

It looked like they had gone into a shoot out, as only 5 players lined up at centre.

"I didn't know you like to watch Soccer." Chaeyoung says.

Jisoo smiles shyly, "Can I tell you a secret?"

Chaeyoung nods.

"I'm actually here for Kim Jennie." Jisoo whispers, before pulling back to watch Lisa make her way to the box to take her shot. "So you're not here to watch Lalisa?"

Chaeyoung only smiled shyly and shook her head before watching the game.

The crowd was silent as Lisa went up to the ball and prepared to take her shot.

Chaeyoung observed her with watchful eyes as Lisa took a few steps back before kicking the ball with such force and precision that every glistening muscle in her body flexed with effort.

The crowd broke out into cheers as the ball flew into the top left shelf of the net.

Lisa smiled as her team immediately rushed over hug her in celebration of their win.

Chaeyoung catches Lisa's eye and gives a small wave. Lisa's smile brightens and she waves back.

Chaeyoung's smile falls when she sees Momo running over to Lisa and hugging her tightly.

"Hey come on, I'm hungry." Jisoo says, snapping her out of her trance.

Chaeyoung forces a smile and nods as she follows after Jisoo.


Lisa lets out a deep breath as she waits by Chaeyoung's locker. It was the end of the day and she was still in her soccer uniform, but she only managed to catch a glimpse of the older girl.

She wasn't sure what it was about Chaeyoung, Lisa just felt drawn to her. It's been happening a lot lately, and the fact that she has a girlfriend at the moment was becoming less and less of a worry for her.

Sure she liked Momo, but she's found herself liking Chaeyoung a lot more these days.

Lisa looked at the clock and sighed, she's been waiting for 10 minuets now.

"Hey Kim Jisoo!" Lisa calls when the girl walks passed.

"Hi." Jisoo says, not really one to talk to Lisa very often.

"Where's Park Chaeyoung?" Lisa asks.

"She went to the market downtown to sell things." Jisoo says.

"The market? Do you know when she'll be done?"

"Um maybe after dinner time, when the rush dies down." Jisoo nods. "That's usually when she leaves."

"Can you tell me where she lives? I need to give something to her." Lisa says. And it's a bit of a lie, she didn't really have anything to give, she just needed an excuse to see her.

Jisoo scuffs her foot against the floor Unsurely. "I don't know...she probably wouldn't be very happy if I told you." She mumbles.

"Please? I'll give you Jennie's number." Lisa offers.

Jisoo groans as she debates in her head. "I really shouldn't." She shakes her head.

"Please Unnie, I'm begging you."

She watches as Jisoo chews on her bottom lip, debating heavily in her head before letting out a defeated sigh.


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