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Come early morning, Lisa was the first to wake up. The sun filtered lightly through the blinds causing her eyes to flutter open.

She took in a deep breath only to have her senses filled with the familiar scent of honey and Vanilla.

Sighing in content her arms tightened around the body in her arms.

Chaeyoung hums in response as she turns into her, still asleep.

Lisa chuckles, kissing Chaeyoung's forehead. "You're so cute Rosie." She whispers.

Slowly she removes herself from Chaeyoung's body do that she could shower. Today would be their last day here, they would leave tomorrow morning.

Lisa had a lot of plans in mind. She wanted to give Chaeyoung a day she would never forget.


After her shower, lisa got dressed and walked down the hall to Chaeyoung's Eomma's room before slipping a note, brochure, and ticket under the door.

Lisa had given her an array of activities to do, all expenses paid, so that she wouldn't be bored tagging along with the four of them.

No one likes being a fifth wheel.

When she arrived back at the room, Chaeyoung was just starting to wake up.

She smiled and slipped back into bed with her.

"Where were you?" Chaeyoung rasps out while pulling her closer.

"I had to drop something off to your mother." Lisa says as she runs a hand through Chaeyoung's hair. "Are you still sleepy? I can let you sleep a little longer.

"What time is it?"


"Just a little longer," Chaeyoung mumbles.

She cuddles into Lisa's side with closed eyes. "I love you."

"I love you more." Lisa replies.


Jennie was laying in bed playing on her phone while Jisoo was taking a shower.

She lifted her head when the bathroom door opened to see Jisoo stepping out in only a towel.

Her eyes scanned the slightly glistening tanned skin, up long smooth legs and thick thighs that disappeared under the short towel. Her skin reappearing at the swell of her breast as her damp hair laid across the back of accentuated shoulders.

Jennie swallows thickly feeling her mouth go dry as she stared shamelessly at her girlfriend in front of her.

Jisoo could feel her eyes on her and she didn't mind. In fact she felt a little bad for making Jennie wait so long when it came to the idea of them having sex.

It's not that she didn't want to, cause she did very very much. She was just a little nervous.

But today she was planning to change that. She was ready to explore new territory with Jennie. They loved each other after all, and that's what Jisoo needed the most to reassure herself.

So with that thought in mind she decided to tease Jennie.

Her back was turned as she stood in front of the suitcase. Letting a small smirk take over her face, she dropped her towel to the floor leaving her completely naked.

Jennie's eyes widen at the sight in front of her and she has to bite her lip to keep from letting out any embarrassing noises.

It only gets worse when Jisoo bends over to slide her thong up her legs. Exposing her holy grail and Jennie's heaven to her.

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