Ch 33. Angels.

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A few weeks have passed and before they knew it, it was time for Prom. The girls had Picked out the dresses and were set for the evening.

Jisoo and Rosé were at school, since they had a test first period, but Jennie and Lisa would be picking them up later on.

"What do you think?" Jennie asks.

The two of them were at the jewelry store to pick up a gift Jennie had gotten personalized for Jisoo.

"I think she'll love it." Lisa smiles.

It was a small J & J pendant. Diamond incrusted, yet simple.

"Yeah? I hope so. Are you getting anything for Rosé?" Jennie asks.

Lisa shakes her head. "I've got something else in mind."

They leave the store and head back to Jennie's car. Once they arrive at Jennie's house the two retreat to her Garage.

"So I've narrowed it down to the Corvette, The Ferrari, and my the Porsche." Jennie says as they survey the rows of cars.

"Well I say no Porsche cause I'm taking mine." Lisa laughs. "Unless you want to match. I do love a classic red Ferrari, but there's not much room in the backseat if you know what I mean. I say you take the corvette."

"Good choice." Jennie says grabbing its keys. "What are we gonna do if Jungkook shows?"

"I have it taken care of." Lisa says shortly.

"Oh please don't tell me you did what I think you did." Jennie says.

"I did."

"Why?" Jennie whines.

"Because Jennie. As much as I don't like him, he'll protect us at all cost."

"How much are you paying him?"

"Like 5." Lisa shrugs.

"5 What?" Jennie narrows her eyes.

"Like 5 Grand." Lisa shrugs. "It's nothing."

"You're paying him $5000 dollars to come to our prom and protect you?"

"Not me." Lisa scoffs. "I don't need protection. It's for Chaeng."

"Right." Jennie says. "I still can't believe you're getting him."

"Why not. Do you have a better idea?"

"No..but he's like an enemy." Jennie says.

"An enemy that is loyal to us. So it's fine." Lisa shrugs.

"I guess," Jennie sighs.


"Hey guys, how was the test?" Lisa asks as Jisoo and Rosé get into the car.

"It was good. Where's Jennie?" Jisoo asks.

"She's getting her car washed for tonight. She said she'd meet us." Lisa says.

"Thank goodness. I'm starving." Rosé says.

"Don't Forget we're picking you up at Five, at Jisoo Unnie's house right?" Lisa says.

"Yup," Jisoo nods. "Irene Unnie is doing our hair and stuff."

"Okay well, Jennie and I are gonna go sort a few things before we come over. Then we're gonna go to my parents lake house after the dance." Lisa says.

They pull up to a sushi place to see Jennie leaning on her car, waiting for them.

"Finally," Jennie smiles when they get out of the car. "I haven't seen Chu since last night."

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