1. This Isn't How This Works💫

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Hiyaaa! This is my first book, so bare with me because the beginning is probably going to be a headache for most of you. Hahaha.

I do take CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM but if I do see people just complaining and not really trying to help me... idk I'll mentally bash you with a hammer and ignore your comment. 🤷🏽‍♀️

ENJOY!!! Oh and please vote and comment, it let's me know there are people reading it.

ALSO, I do OWN everything in this book and these are my ideas, I did not copy any person or thought. And please don't copy mine :).


A taste that my tastebuds have grown use too.

Endless nights crying over him. Endless days wasted, starring at our pictures along the walls of ou- my bedroom. Hoping that one day I'll just wake up and it'll all be a dream. But I knew it wasn't, I knew that it really happened.

He left me.

"Did you really think that I'd love someone like you."

His words began to ring in my ears like bells on a Sunday morning, they repeated over and over. It just made it feel as if I was reliving the whole thing.

"You're disgusting, I never really fell for you."

Bullets flying through my heart as every word drops out of his mouth like poison, enough to leave me paralyzed and silent.

Until I screamed, "Get out then! I don't need you here."

That was a lie.

"I don't want you here!"

Wow, another one. (if no one says "DJ KHALED" I will be disappointed.)

I kept telling myself this for the past couple of... how long has it been? I roll over to grab my phone off of my nightstand; it was white, with golden roses as handles. We had brought it together, when we moved in this apartment. To think I was happy, to think that HE was happy, was a huge mistake I should've seen coming.

What was I doing again?

Oh right checking out the date. I unlock my phone with the passcode of our anniversary,starting think of the "happy anniversary" dates he would take me on.

I shake my head, almost getting distracted as I did with the nightstand.

Opening the calendar app and counting the time that has passed. Days turn into weeks quick as I realize I've been in this same dark room, and the same dark apartment for 3 weeks. Crying over and over until my eyes dried up, and waiting for a surprise knock on my door from him saying he was foolish and wanted me back.

Wow have I really stooped this low, wanting a man that admitted he cheated on me with our next door neighbor.

That's right, you heard me. HE CHEATED ON ME. I feel the tears well back up, but before I could do my hourly sob, my phone begins to ring. I look over to see the caller ID, and to my dismay, it's not him.

I sigh and answer.

"ELENA ARE YOU STILL IN BED CRYING OVER THAT SON OF A BITCH!" I move the phone away from my ear as my bestfriend cusses him out as if he was on the other end. I just decide to let her finish.

1 minute goes by...
5 minutes go by...
7 minutes go by and she's still raging.

"Niya! You can stop cursing him out now, it's not like he'll hear you. But I sure will have to so let's get to reason why you called me."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry. You know if a mufucka hurt my bestfriend it will always be a problem." I can sense her glare through the phone.

"Yes I know. But I'm fine." I lie, I seem to be doing that a lot lately.

"Elena sweetie, I know I can seem a little ignorant at times. But I'm not a fool, I know that you're over there getting ready to cry over this dumb ass boy," she knows me so well, "so why don't we go out to the cafe, and you can talk to an actual human being  than talk to that picture by your bedside. You know the one that his head looks extra lopsided in."

We both chuckle on the phone,the first time I've even smiled in three weeks.

"Ok, I guess I'll step out for some fresh air."

"Yes bitchhhhh thats my girl, make sure you look cute. You know there be lots of men there on Saturdays." She hangs up as soon as she's finish with her last request for me.

I sit up and laugh again, it felt great to sit up and smile, but now I have to get out of bed, the hard part.


I am currently in the cafe after being at home for a good 10 minutes, most of the time spent on me debating if I should just cancel and fake sick, then I remembered who my bestfriend was and decided to get my lazy ass up and dressed.

I'm sitting at a table with my bestfriend. I have my hair up in a nice messy ponytail while I was wearing some light blue skinny jeans I found on my floor, a light pink ruffled, off the shoulder shirt, and my white converse to complete the look.

It actually feels good to be outside, usually I'm always mad at Niya for dragging me out, but I needed this and she knew that.

We were sitting across each other at a table by the window. Back before the whole break up thing, me and Niya would meet up here every Saturday and sit and watch the other locals. Chatting up about the latest drama at her office.

She was a journalist for Weekly Hours, which featured a new story from an hour of each day and it update weekly, cue in the ironic business name.

Now that we were back here on a Saturday, it just brought back so many memories and feelings. We sat there and talked as if nothing ever changed.

As if I didn't just have my heartbroken and shattered three weeks ago.

As if I didn't shut everyone out, including my parents and Niya.

As if I didn't lie to everyone as I told them I was getting better, but only doing the complete opposite.



I wake up to the sheets rustling like leaves, why is she moving so damn mu-

And before I could finish my irritated thought, I feel a hand on my chest and a heavy pressure on top of that, probably her head. I slowly open my eyes, squinting because of the sun breaking through my blinds. As I regain my eyesight, I'm surprised by a face looking up at me, it wasn't too bad.

She was a pale white, freckles on her cheeks and shoulders, blue-green eyes, and a smile that would have made any man want to do her again.

Not me.

I don't even remember where I got her from. I move her off of me as she exhales sharply. Getting up off of my bed I check the time. Damn it's 12:35 p.m, I was suppose to meet Tony at the cafe but I guess I'll just have to leave out late when this bimbo leaves.

"Where are you going?"

I turn around, she's sitting up now and not wearing anything with a fresh pout on her lips.


"Ooo can I come?" Her eyes brighten up as if she really thought I was going to say yes.

"No." I put on some black skinny jeans with a white Calvin Klein shirt and my new pair of black Yeezys from last night; instantly remembering where I met her, her job was at the new shoe shop in the mall.

She's still sitting in my bed for some reason, is she waiting for something? This isn't how a one night stand works, at least not mine. She should've been gone, before I even woke up.

I really need to find out her name.

And she really needs to go.

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