12. Perfection💫

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Chapter 12 honey buns 💛


I knew things were too perfect to be true. I had fucked up tonight and it wasn't even my fault. But maybe this is for the best, she was changing me too much anyways. Doing the things I never do, and vice versa. She's never believe me anyways if I told her what actually happened.

I was sitting on my couch and laying my head back. Sipping some whiskey like an old divorced dad. I sit up and just let all my thoughts run through about what happened tonight, how I fucked up bad, how I should've been the one she trusted.

I slam the glass I had in my hand against the wall, watching it shatter into a million little pieces, something similar to my mind right now.


3 hours earlier


A little while ago, Adonis came to pick me and Niya up for this party we were forced to go to. I'm wearing the cute dress he brought me and I had my hair in its natural, kinky state, letting all the curls loose for once. I did a natural make up look; now Niya on the other hand, was dressed in this tight red dress while a more dramatic, Smokey make up look.

The boys are in the front seat joking and laugh around together while rapping whatever song came on. They sound terrible but it was very cute. It didn't take us too long to reach the party, it was a mansion party so you know there was going to be a lot of rich, spoiled dicks who don't understand "no thanks."

We all walked into the big ass house and it felt like one of those cliche movies were a group of people walk in and everyone turns to watch them. There was so many eyes on us I felt squirmy and self conscious on my appearance that I don't even notice myself sinking behind Adonis for "protection."

I'm pretty sure he noticed because he bent down a little to my height and whispered, "You look stunning so stop it." He had a big smirk on his face and grabbed my hand. I'm surprised I could even hear him over this loud music.

We finished walking to through the door and passed the gazing eyes of everyone here until we reached the kitchen for a drink. We had already lost Niya and Tony in the wave of people.

"HEYY ADONIS HOWS IT GOING." A young white man walked over while yelling over the music. He has brown hair and green eyes, slender but built a little. I watch them give each other dap while standing awkwardly next to Adonis.

"Hey Chad. Nice party. This is El-." He was cut off by a hard pat on the back from the guy I suspect is Chad.

"Jessica is here man, she said she wanted to see you." Before Adonis could eve respond, he was being dragged away but Chad. I don't know what it is but I just don't trust him.

I stand there uncomfortably, I was surrounded by people that I didn't know in a huge mansion party that was packed and dark with red strobe lights. I sip the drink he made me before he was carried off and I just feel a pang or jealousy hit me hard.

Who is Jessica, sounds like a pretty model who's a low key hoe. And why does she want to see him. I guess I can't get mad, it's not like we're serious or even a thing in the first place. I stand there still sipping, unaware of where I was at the moment. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jump while spinning around fast.

I'm greeted by Chad's face right in mine and the smell of beer.

"I don't believe I've seen you here before." I swear he better not be flirting with me.

"I was just here with Adonis." I back away a little bit because of the wrenching beer smell weeping through his pores.

"Isn't he in the room with Jessica right now?" His mouth twists into a smirk, but it wasn't cute or sexy at all. It was actually creepy.

"He wouldn't do that." I shake my head in disbelief but not on the situation but on what my thought was.

"You must not be talking about he Adonis I'm talking about," he starts leaning against the counter, "or you must not know him as well as I do." He still has that ugly ass smirk stuck on his face and I just stand there.

I stand there, zoned out by my own thoughts.

"Go check on him if you don't believe me." He winks and walks away, high checking it girls on his way.

I don't know why I let his words get to me, but they did. And like the dumb person I am, I take his advice and decide to check on him. It took a while since there was like 8 different rooms and I'm not exaggerating. That also didn't count the guest bedrooms.

After checking all the rooms, I finally reach one where I hear mumbling in, not able to make out the words because of the loud music. I burst open the door, and see a curly blonde bimbo who was kissing allll over Adonis.

They eventually notice I'm there and stop their heated make out session, before I could even control my feelings I feel a something hit my mouth and notice a familiar taste.


I turn around and run outside, pushing past people until I reach the outside for some air. I sit on the curb, but I don't cry, I just sit. Why am I upset? We're not even anything serious so he could do whatever he wants, literally.

I call an Uber and text Niya that I'm leaving home early so she doesn't freak out. I'm just mad at myself for actually thinking it was going somewhere, I was catching feelings for a fuckboy and I'm the one to blame. I stand up and dust myself off and just wait for the Uber to come and take me to my bed and some Nutella.

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