15. I Forgive You💫

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Chapter 15, my gumdrops 💛

This chapter is lowkey all over the place so I AM SORRY FOR THAT but mucho love-o 💛


I sit at the table full of the men's lingering eyes, all but his, the ones I want to linger. I could kill Niya right now, tricking me again. I pull down my dress a little bit.

We both introduce ourselves to the group and he still doesn't face us. I start to shift in my seat, feeling rejected and unwanted. But I did run away and ignore all of his calls, so I guess it's only fair.

A brunette woman comes over with a huge grin on her face, her uniform looking a little short than the others and our food on her platter .

Of course I know why, and I don't blame her. A mysterious, silent, fine man at your job, even the way he breathes is perfect. I sit there and finally notice I've been daydreaming and possibly drooling, his shirt not helping my dirty thoughts.

She walks over to him and puts her hand on his shoulder. I cant help but feel a bit of jealously so I just sink into my seat and play with the salt and pepper on the table. Trying to ignore the fact she was being all touchy with him.

Niya notices what's happening, "Hey it looks like he already has his food so why don't you come over here and give us our food, like you're suppose to." She has a smile on her face that says "try me if you want." And I just do a light chuckle and reposition myself.

The brunette rolls her eyes and strides over to where we were sitting, switching her nonexistent ass. She has a smile that doesn't fully reach her eye, placing our food down. Walking away to another table.

Everyone at the table begins to talk besides us, me and Adonis. Which made this situation more awkward. I just kept looking forward and smiling every now and then, seeing him trying to steal glances at me.

I actually get a look around and notice that that one guy is here from the party. I don't know what it is but I don't trust him. He catches me looking at him and winks which makes me instantly want to throw up on him.

I roll my eyes and look away, making eye contact with Adonis for a hot minute.

"I'm going to go use the restroom." I get up and make my way to the back of the restaurant where the bathrooms were placed in a small dark hallway, lit by one little light about to go out.

But before I could even make it inside I feel a hand on my shoulder, turning me around.

Once I was turned around I see Lashawn looking down on me. Why does he keep popping up everywhere I go? The mall, the club, and now here? His crusty ass hand was still resting my shoulder.

"Hey baby, how's it been." I try to shake off his hand but he just grips it tighter, gaining a small hiss from me.

"I'm not your baby so stop touching me." I try to remove his hand again but he just keeps griping it tighter. I'm already preparing myself for a bruise int he morning.

"What do you want Lashawn."

"Baby, I want you back. I know you said somethings you didn't mean. So I forgive you." Wait hold up.

Forgive me? He forgives me?

"Why am I the one needing to be forgiven, aren't you the one who cheated." I slap his hand off of my shoulder and removes it out of the pain his hand received. But that doesn't stop him from placing his hands elsewhere.

He pulls me towards him and starts gripping at my dress I was wearing. I'm trying my hardest to push his large frame off of my body, but it does no good.



She's taking too long in that bathroom. I keep looking at my watch and tapping my foot. Something's not right, she hates using the public restrooms so when she has to go, she's fast.

I finally decide to get up and go looking for her. I reach the dark hallway and see Shawn or Paul whatever the fuck his name was, gripping on her while she's yelling stop.

I grab his shoulder and punch him in his face again. Does this guy love bruises or something? He falls to the ground, grabbing his bleeding nose for the second time I've seen him. I hold Elena tight to me as she clings onto me like it's the last time we'll hug.

Will it be?

I shake my head so I can just focus on making sure she's ok. I pull away, "Are you ok." She just nods her head in response, probably still in shock of what could've happened.

We hug some more as he's crying on the floor in pain.

"Take me home please." She finally speaks out and i lead her out of the restaurant, kicking him on the way out.

The drive to her apartment was silent and filled with sexual tension. Any contact we made, made my pants tighter than the already were. I'm pretty sure she's noticed because I keep having to fix these tight ass jeans.

We pull up to her house and we sit in silence for what feels like a year it was probably 30 seconds.

"Thank you." She kisses me on my cheek and gets out the car walking to her door and I wait for her to get inside. Watching her walk didn't help my downstairs situation, her dress kept rising little by little because of her ass and walk.

She finally makes it inside and she gives me a little wave, disappearing into her apartment. I sit in my car for a little while, reminiscing tonight. I might need to do some digging on Lashawn. I drive off to my condo so I can get some sleep.

Today was very eventful; but before I do go to sleep, I'm going to have to visit my best friends "right hand" and "lotion." Don't judge me, after the sight I saw tonight, it's only natural for me to do something about my big friend down there. Or I'll get blue balls, and that doesn't feel good at all.

I get home to a letter tacked on my door. It's from that crazy bitch from a month ago that's been doing damage on my car.

"So you just forgot about me?"

I rip the note off and through it in my trash can. I can never catch a break or breather, I sit down on my couch and listen to the answering machine. A message comes on that makes me sit up and really hate my life.

"Hi honey, remember we're visiting!" My mom.

"Oh shucks hun, he knows that your remind him everyday." My dad.

"Ok I was just reminding you. We'll be there tomorrow."


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