20. Ignorance Is Bliss💫

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Here's chapter 20💛

Also should I do a cast? because I have some great people that I feel fit the characters and will help some of you visualize.✨


I slowly open my eyes, wincing at the pain and adjusting my eyes to the only bright light in the dark room.

I notice something on my hands that was holding me back. Figuring I must be tied to the chair or something. I look around the room and see Niya sitting next to me.

"Niya." I try to whisper-yell at her mostly because I was scared for someone to come in if they heard me. I watch her shift a little and then wake up.

"Where the fuck..." is her first sentence when she realizes what happened. Before I could answer her question the door swings open fast causing a jump from us.

"Lashawn?" I squeak out, first surprised but then not. Of course he'd be behind this. He's been following me around for a reason, but I didn't think I'd be this.

"Hey baby, hows it been." He walks up to me and touches a wound on my forehead, making me hiss from the pain. "You look more horrible than you did when I left you."

I sit there trying not to have his words get to me, but it's useless. I lower my head down, letting his words sink into my skin until he grabs my neck hard as hell and makes me look at him.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you. Where's your pretty boy now? He probably finally realized how much better he can do. especially because you're you, dark and ugly is not a good mix."

"Stop playing with the bait." Chad walks into the room next and now I'm really not surprised. This creep is probably the mastermind behind this. Fucking weirdo.

Lashawn lets go of my neck and I already know that there'll be a bruise there later.

I finally speak out and it's the most cliche thing ever, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because your little boyfriend has something I want, so I took what he wants," he smirks at me and I want to throw up right on his face, "We're holding you ransom if you haven't noticed."

"No I thought we were having a party." I roll my eyes at the obvious statement he just made. It's probably not the time for sarcasm but I honestly don't care right now.

Chad opens his mouth to respond to my ignorance but his phone ringing cuts him off. He turns around and his back is facing me as he picks up the phone.

"Oh hello Adonis, you must've got the note I left you," He turns back around and makes eye contact with me, "Oh and Tony's there to, how sweet." He looks at Niya and smiles at her too.

"Hand over your company." He paces back and forth in front of us and I hope to God that Adonis doesn't hand it over.

"If you don't hand it over then you don't get them. Even if you try to be their hero, they'll be dead before you can even blink. You have 2 days to reconsider, I'll send you the new number." He slams the phone on the ground. He yells at some guards to clean up the pieces and walks over to me.

He pulls out a pocket knife and I instantly squirm and try to move out of his way which was obviously not going to change anything, I'm tied to a hair so I don't know how I thought it'd work. He traces my face with the tip of the blade and I try my best to stand still.

"You're so pretty, it's be a shame to kill you." And with that, he walks out while twirling his knife in his hand.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CANT TRACK THE PHONE!" I yell at one of my right hand men. I've been lashing out at everyone since Tony and I had went to Niya's apartment and found the note stuck on the fridge.

"I-I- we couldn't find it. He must've gotten rid of it." I rub my hands viscously on top of my face, trying not to rage on anyone.

"Alright well do something, find them now." I calmly say which probably freaks him out more because he runs out in a hurry.

I grab the closest thing to me which was a vase and throw it across the room. This is one of the reasons I never dated anyone. Soon people who want our company will find out and do dumb shit like this.

I find my hidden bottle of scotch and pour me a glass. I had slowed down drinking for Elena because she would scold me about it every time; I laugh, recalling the times.

I need to find her soon. She's too fragile and perfect to be experiencing this bad side of the world. I'm suppose to protect her from it and I failed at that.

I don't deserve her. I pace in front of my window and glance at the moon every now and then, while trying to figure out what to do. A knock interrupts my thoughts and I tell whoever is on the other side to come in.

"Boss, we had the tech guys find the last location of the phone's chip before it was smashed. It at this barn house in Asbury Park in New Jersey. I already got the plane ready and we'll be leaving in 10 minutes."

"Thanks Damian."

"No problem, I know what you're thinking right now.  That you fucked up and she probably hates you. But she doesn't so don't do anything stupid that you'll regret." Almost feeling like he read my mind, I nod my hand in response and he closes the door behind him.

I exhale sharply and comb over my hair with my hands,  a movement I notice I do when I'm nervous.


We're a few feet by the shack to where Elena and Niya must be at. I have my right hand me and some cops with me to help me get our girls back. I look at Tony and could already see anger filling his eyes.

He does have an anger problem and if he was only with Chad, he'd probably kill him; which is another great reason to have the cops here, to keep him under control.

The cops bust down the door and run inside first while we follow behind them.

I hope she's alright.

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