21. Morning Routines💫

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Chapter 9+10=21 my doves 💛.
(I ALMSOT hate myself for that joke.)

Also this is a filler sooooo 😘

Now that I have characters imma do the music thing and a picture of the chapters main POV. For example this chapter was
Mainly Adonis sooo I'd show a pic of him 🤤

3 days later


"Give me one good reason I shouldn't have you arrested, or worst." I've been hovering over Lashawn and Chad for 10 minutes, waiting for one of them to crack and tell me why they did what they did and who put them behind it.

They were very loyal to their boss or whoever put them up to this, which wasn't a plus for me. No matter how many times I punched them, no matter how many times they hear their bones crack, they wouldn't say a word.

To be honest I was starting to get restless and annoyed with this, it's been 3 days since the incident and I was just ready to move on and I know the girls were too.

Elena has been staying with me because she said she was too scared to be home alone, I wasn't complaining at all. I probably would've had her stay with me anyways, maybe until she found a new place. She also hates being alone at my place and rarely lets me leave the house.

I've also been letting Niya and T stay in the guest room because those two girls couldn't be apart after what happened and T wouldn't leave them with me because he'd know I'd loose my mind with the two of them under the same roof.

I punch Char in his face, thinking about the stuff he's put the girls through, which wasn't good because I couldn't stop. Until T pulls me off of him and drags me outside like a drunk man.

I keep swinging and now I'm pretty sure I look ridiculous. I hear a yell escape T's mouth and he yells after that,"Chill the fuck out Doni!" As he hold my arms to my side, waiting for me to calm down.

I do my breathers that I have to do when I'm too pissed to control my thoughts. "I'm fine." Is the only lie I can seem to form right now. He knows I'm lying but he lets go anyways.

"I'm pretty sure the girls are missing us, let's just go back home." He guides me to the car and drive sis to my condo, where the girls that made us instantly happy were.

When we make it there, Elena and Niya are on the couch watching some stand up comedy, laughing their asses off. I take in the view with a smile. Elena actually looks as if she's genuinely happy. I clear my throat which causes them to jump like I caught them red handed.

Elena notices it's us and she runs over, jumping on top of me. Thank God I have good reflexes because she would've been on the floor if I didn't. I catch her and gently let her down.

"You're home early." She smiles up at me. I love our height difference, she's like 5'4 and I'm around 6'1, it just makes her look more adorable than she already is.

"Well I missed you." I wrap my hands around her waist and smile back down at her, pulling her closer to me.

"Ew get a room you two." I look over at Tony and see him mocking our little sexual tension that we had going on. She lets go of me and I pull her back hard so she couldn't escape.

"Tony get away and go talk to Niya or something." He throws his hands on in defeat and walks over tot he couch to cuddle and sit by Niya while I continue to hug Elena.

I put my head in the crook of her neck and can't help but smell the sweet scent of peaches while her kinky hair tickles my face. I pick her up in a swift motion and take her up stairs, yelling a "we'll be back" behind us.


I wake up to Elena laying on top of my chest in her bare beauty. The room is barely lit from the sun because I had close the blinds last night, knowing we'd sleep through the rest of the night. I scratch her head, knowing that that's one her favorite things in the world and lay there while taking in life.

It's been more than 3 months and I just feel like I'm falling for her. Is it a good thing? I have no fucking clue, but it feels good to me. As I'm thinking I watch her breathing sync with mine and notice that I've already fallen for her, and it's barely taking me now to realize that.

I exhale deeply and rub her back softly. I finally found what I've been missing in life, someone to love, and cherish. I don't know if it's because I was so close to loosing her that I'm now realizing it, but whatever it is opened my eyes. I watch her shift under me and remove my hand from her back.

"Noo why'd you stop." It's muffled but I understand what she said, causing me to chuckle and to continue rubbing her back.


"Yes Lena."

"Who's Jessica?"

I tense up for a moment and I'm pretty sure she noticed because she responded, "You don't have to tell me if you do-."

"She was my ex girlfriend from 2 years ago." It's quiet for a while but then she speaks up.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm not, she took the one thing from me that I would've loved with my whole entire life..." I breathe, trying to regain my self; and she sits up now while looking at me, giving me her full attention. "She was pregnant with our child an-."

A knock on the door interrupts our deep conversation and a yelling Tony follows it.

"Yes we're up." I roll my eyes and wait for Elena to stop straddling me so we could go do our morning routine together. Since she's been She here we usually do our stuff at the same time while talking with toothpaste, but understanding each other.

We brush our teeth together and I just stare at her through the mirror. When she notices me, she smiles with a mouth full of toothpaste and her cute face then asks me, "Whaaat."

"I love you."

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