33. Big Reveal💫

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Chapter 33!💛 It's quite short and I'm actually sorry lmao but you know me, school comes first. 🌙

Adonis looks fine in every pic but this one is just✨.
Bone app the teeth.


Now I know what you're thinking and yes I'm scared for her to be alone with my mom for more than 5 minutes. I continue thinking as Elena keeps walking out in different outfits.

She's been trying to find the right fit to "impress my mom" for some reason.

"How about this." She twirls around in a nude color looking pencil skirt that stopped a little about her knees, a white blouse, and flats that matched the color of her skirt.

"You look beautiful, wear it."

Her hands that were on her hips, drop to her side and a frown grows on her face. "You've said that about every outfit, I would like you to be honest with me, your mom is important in this equation."

I jump off the bed and place my hands on her shoulders, "I am being honest, you look beautiful, you look great in anything," I put my right hand over my heart, "I promise."

A smile spreads onto her face and she hugs me, "Thank you, lets just hope she agrees," she looks up at me and I kiss her forehead.

"She has no choice."

We stay like that for a few more moments until she breaks away.

"Well she'll be here any-." Theres a knock at the door confirming her unfinished sentence. Making my way down stairs to let her in, I begin to regret agreeing to this.

"Hey mom." I let her in, close the door, and kiss her on her cheek.

"Hello... I assume she's ready. And looking decent enough. I did say," she checks her gold watch covered in diamonds around the clock, "that I'd be here at 2:30 on the dot."

Rolling my eyes at her immediate, rude response, "She is ready. She actually looks gorgeous, like always, not that it would even matter to you if she didn't."

I hear our door open and my instinct was to pull my mom aside really quick, "She actually matters and cares about your opinion, so be nice."

She throws her hand in the air swiftly, obviously not in the mood to argue with me. "I am nice."

I raise an eyebrow at her.

"What? I am."

"Hello Mrs. Colson." Her hand sticks out, desperately waiting for my mom to grab and shake it.

"Hello.....Amy?" She ignores her hand and makes her way over to the door.

Elena turns to me and I mouth how sorry I was. Her mouth opens, about to speak, but my mom snaps her fingers to signal her and Elena instantly follows after her.

My poor baby.



"This, it's cute, try it on." I look at the ugly thing she was dangling in front of my face. This is like the 5th dress she's tried to have me wear, they all looked like a potato sack. I take it with a big sigh and walk to the dressing room.

I finally get enough courage to go out and show her how it looks.

"Stunning, well the dress is but... it doesn't seem to fit you." A smirk spreads across her face, her finger taps at her mouth, each tap pushing me to explode with anger.

"You know what, how about I pick the next dress."

Her finger stops tapping and she glares at me, "Actually I sent a lady to find some more dresses, I don't think your style would ever fit into a place like this. So I'll stick to picking the dresses."

Huh? Hold up.

"My style?"

"I believe that's wha I said, being an echo isn't cute or polite."

"Alright," I clap my hands, "look... Mrs. Colson I've been trying on these hideous dresses and doing everything you say to please you but what you're not going to do is continue to insult me like I'm not a human, and then have the audacity to expect respect from me. I'm sorry but I'm picking the dress to wear to the banquet and I'm going to show up on your son's arm whether you like it or not."

"Excuse me-."

"End of discussion, I'm going to go change and I'm going to look for a dress that's expresses my 'style.'" I walk off to the changing room. As I take the sack off a huge weight lifts off my shoulders and I put my clothes back on.


I ended up finding the perfect dress 15 minutes after the whole incident. It was hard, almost like she had the store hide the pretty ones before we got there.

"Well if we're finished here I'd like to get back to the hotel..." She begins to walk away but then turn around, "You should hide the dress from Adonis, it's a real jaw dropper, you have to do a big reveal the night of." For a second I could swear that there was a hint of a smile on her face. She turns back around and walks to her car with her chauffeur waiting on by her door.

I wait for Adonis to pull up by the shop, I had called him when we were inside buying the dress.



"So how was it."

"It was... actually okay." I can't help but notice the small smile with her response. The past couple of hours must've not been THAT bad.

"Wow, that's a first." We we're currently in the car and sitting in the McDonald's drive thru because she was just craving a burger and fries.

"Wait, I haven't even seen the dress you got."

"Its a secret."

"Even for me." I poke my bottom lip out and pout. She places a gentle kiss on my lips that made me think I won until she says.

"Yup, even you."

"Oh you're cold hearted."

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