27. We THAT Couple💫

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Part 27!💛

A day later~


Tony walks through the suite doors with bags in hand and Niya trailing behind him, trying to reach for a bag.

"No Niya," he moves his arm away from her, "I carry the bags, and you'll stand there looking as beautiful as you always do." Tony sets the bags down in another room as I watch Elena jump onto Niya, screaming as if they haven't seen each other for years.

"You know they'll never let us carry a bag or open our own door." Elena finally speaks after their squeals.

I sit down on the couch, "Because we're gentlemen, our parents raised us right."

I watch as Elena's mouth open and I raise my hand, "Before you yell at only me, I'm going to get Tony to share some of this... appreciation I'm receiving."

I stand up and walk to the room Tony went into and close the door behind me, glad I escaped a lecture. I stand by the door, waiting for Tony to come out of wherever he was.

Tony walks out of the bathroom and sits on the love seat, "So where are we taking them to first?"

"Maybe the beach, or we could drive down to the boardwalk."

"The boardwalk in San Diego? That'd be a nice drive and I'm sure they'd like it."

"Alright I'm going to go change into some clothes."

I walk to the door, about to twist the door knob when I remember what state I left the women in, anger and ready to prove a point.

"I'll stay for a little while and judge what you're wearing." I sit back on the bed while realizing that I might have to stay here forever.


By time I finally got out, the girls had forgotten everything. Right now I'm standing in the hot ass heat filling the car with gas as the girls and Tony grab some snacks.

I watch my baby walk out of the gas station with the bags in her hands, "I brought you snacks too so you won't eat up all mine."

Knowing damn well she's the one that eats all of my food.

I kiss her cheek, "Thanks baby." I watch as she blushes and can't help but smile big. I finish filing the tank up and run to the trunk, I guess I'll let her carry the bags this once.

"What's taking the other two so long," I lean against the car and food my arms, "Bet I'll leave them."

She laughs and walks over to me, "Don't do that, they'd hate us for a lifetime."

Nodding at her response I see them walking out together, "Look who finally decided to show up."

Tony mean mugs me the whole way to the car, I just smile at him, get inside, spark the ignition, and drive off to the boardwalk.


We make it there and the girls are already excited. We all walk towards the beach and set down our towels in a nice spot with a lot of sun.

I watch as Elena takes her shirt off and the bathing suit is just way too revealing. I jump over the towel land out on the sand, trying to shields her from everyone's eyes.

"What are you wearing? What is that?"

She rolls her eyes and takes her shorts off. What the fu-.

Her every curve was exposed now and she looked amazing. It was a bright yellow bathing suit that made her skin and beautiful features pop.

"It's just a bikini-."

"Just a bikini my ass, you look more exposed than when you're naked." I grab a towel out of the beach bag she brought and wrap her up in it, pulling her to my chest.

"Adonis, it's hot and I want to go swimming."

"We can always go back to the hotel pool?"

"No," She points her finger in my face while giving me a stern look, "we came to have fun and see new sights, I can't see all of them from the hotel window. Plus we drove all the way over here."

I look over at where Tony and Niya were; already in the ocean, splashing each other and laughing.

"Fine, only because you scare me." I let her go, only having to take off my shirt since I was already wearing my swimming trunks.

Grabbing her hand we both walk to the water, feeling the transition from dry sand, to wet sand, to water. I tense up from the coldness.

Soon enough I hear Elena "ooo," which might be her reaction to the cold water.

"It's so cold." She shivers as we get deeper into the water, till it reaches our thighs.

"The trick is to move around a lot so it can get warm." I splash her a little and she follows suit, splashing me back.


The sun is setting and I decided we should be THAT cliche couple and watch it together.

We sit down on the towels while she's in between my legs with my arms wrapped around her, and she rests her head on my chest.

"It's so beautiful," she whispers out into the air and I barely hear her.

"It is, and I'm glad I get to watch it happen with you." I kiss the back of her head which was filled with curls because of the water.

I begin to speak out again until she, unintentionally, cuts me off with a sentence that made this moment even more special that it was before.



"I love you too. A lot more than I've let myself realize." She turns around, shifting her self so she's looking down on me.

And she places a soft kiss on my lips that lingers for a small amount of time. I lick my lips trying to feel the heat it left that instantly made me crave more.

"You don't know how long I've waited for you." Trailing my hands down her back, pulling her into me and kissing her again.

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