14. Snake💫

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Chapter 14 sweeties 💛


The ache in my heart hasn't left or even bothered leaving. I've been stuck in an endless cycle of smoking weed all day everyday and drinking like I beat my wife and kids.

I hate this me, I wasn't fond of the me before; but I definitely hate this one. I know that drinking and drugs aren't going to do me any good in dealing with this but it's the only way I can seem to cope with it.

I pick up my phone and go straight to her number, ready to press call. But my thumb just hovers over the one thing that'll change tonight and I just can't bring myself to do it. I throw my phone across the room, not caring if it was shattered or destroyed.

I didn't call because of pride but because I know she wouldn't take me back or even pick up. Why would she? I sit there with this taste on my tongue.


I hated that taste, it reminded me of all the nights I spent crying over my life. I knew what it was like to hurt so much, especially over one person you thought would love you and you'd spend forever with.

My phone ringing across the room cuts me out of my depressed thoughts and I pick it up, seeing Tony's name barely visible through the cracks.

"Hi Tony." I clear my throat, trying to hide the fact that I'm tearing up and the broken glass is tickling my skin.

"Hey man." Theres a long pause after his response and I'm almost tempted to hang up. But before I could.

"Lets get you out the house, you're dark ass house will make your mood worst and we don't want you going back down that path." I sit there in silence, knowing that he's right. But I'd never let him know that, he'd brag about it for weeks.

"Fine I guess, let me just throw some clothes on and I'll meet you," I check my watch which read 4:30 p.m, "maybe the Buffalo Wild Wings I'm pretty hungry I guess."

"Well all that drinking you've been doing, I'm pretty sure you are." I roll my eyes to his spot on response, hang up, and get up to get ready, walking up my cold, wooden stairs. Each step more regretful than the last.

I walk to my closet and pick out whatever I see first which are a pair of black skinny jeans and a white v-neck with some new all white vans. I spray some axe cologne on me to mask over the smell of weed and depression. I find my favorite Rolex and get my car keys ready. Fumbling with them when I noticed I haven't gotten a call about my actual car still.

I send tony a text to let him know that I'm leaving out, he's making me do that now since he's "always" there waiting for around 30 minutes.


I finally get there and find us a seat so when can watch whatever current game was going on. Tony said he also invited a couple of more people so I can be social.

First Tony walks in, followed by Damian who is a well built and funny black guy, Chris and skinny and semi-tall white boy, Alex who is Chris's identical twin, and hold the fuck up. What is he doing here? Chad walks in with a smirk already plastered on his face.

I shift in my seat trying to calm my nerves down. He took a great person away from me, even if we weren't serious. I shake my head trying to think of happy thoughts as they begin to walk over.

I greet the twins who were already fighting each other, they're both goofy and funny, the life of the party if I wasn't here. I get up and dap Damian, who is like my second bestfriend, because he refuses to shake any persons hand and he's already cracking jokes on everyone at the table.

And then there's Chad, he waves and I just look back at the t.v screen to ignore his negative presence. Especially because he's always the first one to turn a beautiful night sour in 5 minutes.

The food we had ordered ahead of time shows up on a platter with a white ,brunette girl holding it. All the guys stare at her besides me and Damian, we focus on the hockey game that's on. Damian has a black girlfriend at home so he already knows she'd find out about him even conversations with the girl. And I don't look cause white isn't really my thing anymore.

Or maybe it's never been.

She asks for who ordered the Garlic Parmesan and Lemon Pepper 8 piece wings and I just raise my hand, trying to avoid the most contact as possible because I already know how the night would end.

It's looks like she pushed her boobs up a little more as she makes her way to my side, setting my platter down. I give her a smile as her "thank you now get the fuck on." By she just stands there, in my way of the game. So I just sit there looking at the boys for help and then looking down at my food.

Tony finally speaks up, "Thanks for you're service." But she doesn't budge, she's bold. Why does it seem like I attract all the crazy ones.

She finally says something, grazing my shoulder and it just made me wish I had Elena here to fight here.

"Well I'm here for him, would you like ANYTHING else." She drags out the "anything" while putting emphasis on it.

I remove her hand from my should, "I have a girlfriend sorry," she still stand there mocking my answer, "you're in my way of the game, go flirt with Chad, the snake of our group." I move her aside and out of my way and start to eat my wings.

Chad scoffs at me and I just sit there with a huge grin on my face. Until she walks in with Niya leading her. Wow she looks more pretty everyday. The late afternoon sun making her skin pop. She's wearing a yellow sundress with small daisies on it. I just watch her make her way to the counter, scanning around the room. Our eyes meet for a split second and I look away to Tony.

I lean in and whisper, "Did you invite them here?"

His longing silence is my answer. Before I knew it, I was getting up to leave. Before he forced me to sit back down, whispering in my ear, "You need to see her and tell her the truth, or you'll never forgive yourself for letting her slip away."

I sit there with silence as his words sit on my head, soaking in.

For the second time tonight, he's right.

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