18. Giggling Highschoolers💫

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Here's chapter 18 my baby cakes!💛


I wake up to the birds chirping again but this time I was snuggled underneath Adonis. I almost freak out a little wondering why he was here, but then I recall last night and huge grin spreads across my face.

I start tracing every outline and detail on his body smoothly. He was such a gorgeous sight to see and it seemed like last night he got even 10x hotter. I move on top of him and rest my chin on top of my hand that's the resting on him.

My movements wake him and I watch as his eyes slowly flutter open trying to adjust to the sun shinning in my room. A smile creeps onto my face before I even notice it, but he smiles back even bigger than me.

He rubs his hand through my hair hat was now in its natural, kinky state. Possibly from all the sweating of last night. We stay like that for a couple of minutes, basking in each other's presence before he speaks first.

"Good morning beautiful." His sleepy voice sends shivers inside of me and I just stare into his perfect eyes. Wow it got sappy very fast.

"Good morning." Is all I manage to say, still hung up on the nerves from last night. I get up to make us breakfast but before I could even touch my wooden floors, he's dragged me back on top of him.

"Where do you think your going."

"To make us breakfast of course."

"But you're already ready." He smothers me in kisses, tickling my skin and I squirm under his grip.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet Adonis."

"I don't care, I haven't either." He has a point, but it's him and he can get away with that stuff. I'm pretty sure if he didn't shower in a month he'd still have his yummy scent on him, and probably would be just as mouth watering.

"Pleaseeee." I give him a pout knowing that he can't resist it.

"Fine." He lets go of me and I get up, making my way to the bathroom, and picking up my bra and a random shirt from the ground. I do my daily morning routine of brushing my teeth, washing my face, and putting coconut oil onto my face as moisturizer.

I walk downstairs and starting making some pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs and coffee, getting hit with deja vu.

The bathroom sink turns on and he's probably doing his morning routine. I have a mini panic attack, trying to forgive out if I left anything out in the open. The bathroom sink turns off and I make his plate, then proceed to make mine, feeling a hand grab my waist.

He pulls me into him and starts to nibble on my neck, gaining a small moan and my head being thrown back; but then I regain myself and sway his hand away.

"I'm trying to finish the plates, now sit at the table." I point the fork, that was going on his plate, forwards him and give a threatening look that I'm pretty sure doesn't scare him but he plays along.

"Yes ma'am." He throws his hands up in surrender, walking to the table and sitting down. Did I tell you had good he looked this morning? Not like he never looks good but he's wearing just his pants and boxers, hanging off enough to give the view of his v-line and no shirt which.

He catches me starting at him so I pretend to act like I wasn't, possibly a little too late to believe. But I set the food down in which he wastes no time eating until his phone rings and interrupts his breakfast. I watch him pick up he phone, he looks at the screen then rolls his eyes.

"Yes dad." His mood changed instantly from happy to "why the fuck are you existing." I try not to listen to the conversation but it seemed like he had to go. He hangs up, turning to me and placing his phone down.

"I'm sorry Elena but my parents are here and I need to go pick them up. Unless you want to come-."

"Oh that's fine, I have some cleaning to do here anyways." We both knew that was a lie but I stand up and grab our dishes, emptying the little crumbs before placing them in the sink before he can say anything against my argument.

"Alright, well then I'm going to go. But I'll text you in a little." He's walked over to me, now standing in front of me like he needs something.

He points at my top and I look down, "I'm going to need my shirt."

"Oh right, of course." I take it off fast and hand it to him which he takes his sweet time grabbing.

"I really wish I didn't have to go," he moved in closer and my breathe gets stuck in my throat, "I didn't get to finish breakfast." He kisses my forehead and leaves without hearing my response, while I stand there looking at the door, shook.



I drive my way to the airport to pick up my parents with a huge ass smile on my face. I don't know what it is but she's good for me. I pull up at the spot we're they told me to meet them while watching my mom's face fill with joy at finally seeing me in a "very long time" which was probably a month or two.

My parents live in Malibu, California so it's hard for us to see each other and when we do my mom makes sure to make the most of it.

I get out to help them with there bags and before I could even stand out of my car, I'm being tackled by my mom and smothered in her kisses.

"Ok mhmhm." My words get muffled by all of the love she's giving me right now. She finally lets go and I try to regain my balance.

"Oh Adonis it feels like forever." She pinches my cheek and I feel 12 again. My dad pulls me in for a hug next but it's not as smothering as my mom's. I put their suitcases into the trunks and watch my dad help my mom into her side of the car.

One thing I can say about these crazy people is that you can tell there're still in love, they've never fallen out of it. During the ride, they sit in the back and giggle like high schoolers, my dad reminiscing about the "good times" and what they used to do in the back of a car. Wishing I had brought headphones for that story.

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