24. Booty Rubs💫

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Chapter 24!💛


I've been freaking the fuck out since we got here.

We just got to this fancy and stuck up brunch restaurant, sitting in front of his parents. I've been twiddling with my thumbs which I just noticed is and action I do when ever I'm nervous and intimidated.

For one, I'm black which is pretty self explanatory. And second, they're beyond rich and I don't want to seem like those money hungry hoes. I really want to make a good impression; but I know somehow, I'll find a way to mess this up.

His mom speaks first with a strong tone, "What do you want from my son? Some money? Because you're not getting that."

"Mom what are you talking about?" Adonis speaks before I could make up my mind on what to respond with.

"I just want to know her purpose with you."

"Margret leave the girl alone. You're making her uncomfortable." Adonis's dad speaks up now while I'm still sitting here speechless.

"Honestly Mr. and Mrs. Colson, my purpose with your son is to be there for him, through any and everything, to be the one to give him love, appreciation, and support when the whole world is against him, and to show him better." I place my hand on top of his and smile big at him.

"That was very touching, I'm pretty sure you've been treating him well since he never returns calls anymore." He winks at Adonis as he chuckles and shakes his head, "Call me Brad or dad, whichever one suits you." We laugh again and sit there smiling like two idiots.

"Thank you, Mr- Brad, I have been doing my best with him. He's pretty hard headed."

We all laugh, except for Margret obviously. I already know she's going to be the tuff one to win over. I guess I get it, her son is incredibly handsome and rich with a black girl. I really just hope I could prove that I'm good for her son because I do believe I am good enough.

I sigh as low as I possibly could but Adonis hears it and looks at me. He always notices the little moves I make. He holds my hand tighter and strokes it gently, trying to calm me down.

I feel like I'm going to throw up. My nerves are all over he place because of this one lady who's lowkey irrelevant.

The waiter comes to take our orders and we continue the brunch filled with a bunch of nonsense topics.


The rest of the evening went pretty ok in my opinion. Well besides his mom, the whole time she was looking at me like I stole something from her, but she did become a little more nice by the end of the day.

I still like him more.

"So that was fun." Adonis looks over at me really fast since he was driving.

"It was..."

"I know my mom can be... a little stand off-ish but she means well, I can tell she likes you."

I roll my eyes at his response and of course he notices.

"I'm serious Elena, she really does. If she didn't like you she would've told you right there and left. She's just testing you."

"If you say so."

He grabs my hand and continues to drive forwards home and can't help but grin at us.

Wow, I just said home. Felt nice to say.

I'm so exhausted from the long day we had and all the nerves jumping around in my body didn't help the situation right now.

We walk into the house and I slam myself onto the couch which makes me bounce because of my small frame and the impact of the couch.

"I'm so tireddddd and my feet HURT." I groan while  resting my eyes.

"Aw my poor baby." I feel his hand rub my back and down to my booty causing me to jump at the sudden movement.

"That feels so good."

"I bet it does."

Before I knew it, I drift off to sleep with a nice, firm hand rubbing my butt.


I wake up to the dark and a little bit of light coming from the moon through our windows. I pat down the covers next to me, being greeted with disappointment when I don't feel Adonis there.

I get up off the bed and find my robe in the dark, walking down the stairs after I tie it onto my body. Downstairs is being lit by the t.v most likely while each stair I step on talks to me with a creek.

I walk up to the couch and see Adonis slumped as fuck on it, one of his legs hanging off of it and laying on his back. The t.v was showing some basketball game that obviously didn't keep him interested enough.

I fix his body on the couch, run upstairs really fast but quietly to get covers, and walk back down to the couch. I scoot him over so I could lay next to him, spreading the covers over us. I wrap my arm around his torso that doesn't fit because of our size difference.

After about 10 minutes of me trying to go back to sleep, I feel him reposition himself, moving me on top of him in one swift motion and we drift back off to sleep, together.


Waking up to a grown man snoring isn't everyone's favorite thing to wake up to, but I've gotten use to it. I slowly open my eyes and notice that he's still sleep so I take this moment to fully take on a view of him. I trace his ab and muscle structure on his chest and take in how perfect he is.

I breathe in his fragrance that sticks to him like a second skin and try to synchronize my breathing to match his, almost dying from trying to do that. I stifle a little movement that ends in him waking up.

"Good morning beautiful." His sleepy voice is dry and husky but is music to my ears. He kisses my forehead and smiles down on me.

"Good morning." I smile back at him, filled with joy that I never knew existed. There's something about this man that is making me so crazy and happy. Maybe it's that he treats me like I'm the only girl in the world, the only one who has the key to his heart.

I know it sounds hella cliche but that's how I feel.

We lay like this for a few minutes until we decide to get up and do our morning routine together.

I think I love him too.

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