34. Locked Doors 💫

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*Nervous laughter* hehe, um yea so that little M.I.A thing I just did with this book, yea I'm hella sorry! Like I am just gonna be honest, I didn't feel motivated and I was lazy.

All my excuses:
1. I was really busy with school, I'm a junior so it's just been a lot of pressure this year to start looking for colleges and boring stuff like that.

2. Life is just starting to hit me. and like the first one, I've had to figure things out like where I want to go to college and what am I even going for, which i still haven't figured out but I felt horrible for not posting and I wasn't going to push this to the bottom of my priority list anymore.

I apologize again 💕


A smile spreads on my face. The pink sequined dress is laid out across our bed. My fingers glide down the glittery material of the dress; every inch that my delicate finger tips touch pushes me to try it on and dance through the house.

The banquet isn't until another couple of days but the dress just cries for me to slip it on. I've been hiding the dress form Adonis's nosey ass. He makes knowing everything about everyone his top priority in life, after me of course.

A *ding* from my phone has me running across the room Adonis was fixing some last minute touches on the charity banquet with Tony. He promised that he'd bring us take out so I was expecting for him to ask what I felt like devouring tonight.

Reaching my phone, the text wasn't from Adonis, but it was from Niya. A part of me hesitates to even open my phone and respond to her. The last time we spoke, she had a tantrum and ended our friendship; so, what could she possibly want from me.

Niya😐- hey...

Me- do you know who you're texting?

Niya😐- ofc i do, i'm txting someone i should be apologizing to.


Niya😐- i would call but i'm pretty sure u don't want to hear from me, just call me ok?

I continue to stand where I was, reading the messages over and over. Who does she think she is? Leaves, disappears, and then sends me a text like this? Expecting me to just forgive her?

Me- yes i don't want to hear from u... but when i feel ready, i'll call u

Pressing the blue arrow to send the message, I make my way to the bed and flop down on my back. The dress lays next to me, both of us feeling useless. The clock on our nightstand reads 9:26 p.m. I let my thoughts wonder around.

My life has changed so much, so fast and it's only been about a year.

My birthday is coming up in like a month and I can't imagine not spending it with Niya or Adonis.

I'm hungry.

A few moments past by and the door unlocks, followed by keys jingling.

"Baby? Are you upstairs?" Adonis yells as he shuts the door.

"Yes!" I shout back to him, being too lazy to get up from the position I've been in this entire time.

The creak of the stairs snaps me out of my daze and it dawns on me that the beautiful dress is still laying next to me.

"Wait! Don't come in here yet!" I yell out to him as the door knob turns.

"Why what are you doing in there?" I can hear his smirk through the wall and I scurry on my feet. I grab the dress and pace around the room.

"Babe, are you mad at me or something?" He tries turning the knob again and my instinct makes me jolt to the door.

"Wh- why would I be mad." The dress is still in my hand. I lock the door and place the dress back into the box I've been using to hide it.

The knob turns again, "Well for one you've locked yourself in a room."

I unlock and open the door to see Adonis leaning his nicely built body against the door frame. "I'm not mad, I promise."

He grabs my hands and pulls me towards his torso. His musk has become something so familiar to me. "Cause if you were mad at me, I'd have to apologize and dick you down."

Before I could even respond to his bold statement, a voice from downstairs shouts, "Aye Doni are you coming back down or what."

"Was that tony?"

"Yes, it's him. Yea I'm coming back down!" He yells the last part to Tony.

I haven't seen Tony in forever. The last time I saw him, they were still dating. Niya and Tony. The messages from earlier pop back up into my head. My face frowns and I can tell because of the look Adonis gave me.

"We're gonna talk later." He whispers to me. I just nod, no reason to act as if there isn't something bothering me, especially when he can tell so easily.

We both walk down; and there Tony was, playing Fortnite on the new, curved, flat screen t.v. that Adonis just brought for the living room.

He eventually notices us and says, "Wow, about time you two came down." he gives us a little wink and hits ready. We both sit on the couch next to Tony and I begin to watch them play the game that has gotten every boy hooked.

The night is filled with laughter, take out, and screaming from the boys. All I could think about was how it would feel even better if Niya was here, still dating Tony and still my bestfriend. But things won't be as good as they were before, at least not at first.

Tony seems fine, but anyone could easily put on a mask. He continues to smile, but they did date almost as long as me and Adonis have. We've been together for almost a year.

Adonis looks back and his eyes reach mine, a grin spreads across his face as the Fortnite theme song plays in the background. He rubs his hand along my thigh and I smile back at him.

I may not be sure about a lot of things, but what I am sure of where ever my relationship with Niya goes or wherever her's and Tony goes, Adonis will be by my side.

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