30. Stuffed Cheeks 💫

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Chapter 30? Yessir!💛

Bych I'm backk. I knowww, if you follow me on here then you already know cause I explained. But this summer has been very busy so far which is honestly surprising cause I was just going to stay indoors and get fat. I was suppose to start so many new tv show series and didn't get to any 😭. But schools starts back August 13th for me so I'll be updating more now since summer is coming to an end (lowkey happy about that.) anywaysss this book is also coming to an end! But don't worry sugarplum, there'll be a part two sooo yea. ILY✨

I'm writing this chapter at 12:25 am soo I'm sorry if it's trash lmao. ⭐️ (its now 2:48 pm when I'm publishing it)


"It seems like forever!!!!" I stand there and watch Niya scream into the camera while we were on FaceTime together.

"You saw me yesterday, what the hell are you talking about."

She makes a face at me and I can't help but chuckle, she's such a drama queen. "I know but this new jobs seems to be keeping you very busy and I miss seeing your face."

"Ok ok, I'm not doing anything today so-."

"Ooou.. you and lover boy don't have anything planned." She smirks at me and does a small wink that makes it look like something was in her eye instead.

"If we did I wouldn't be inviting you out for lunch and some shopping, thot."

Her face changes to a scowl and she huffs out a breathe of air, "Alright whatever loser, when should I pick you up?"

"Um maybe around....," I check the microwave time that readys 4:32, "5 so I can just retouch up on my hair since I'm already dressed." I hop off the breakfast bar with my phone in hand, looking at my outfit when I reach the ground.

I had on some black shorts that were a little distressed and a red tube top, it's starting to get cooler but it's still pretty hot out, at least for New York.

We finish on the phone for a couple more minutes until I hang up on, she would've had the call going on and on until she got here.

I skip up the stairs, hearing the familiar creek of each step to the bathroom that was attached to the master bedroom.

I fluff out my poof ball and make sure it still has its bouncy curls, placing a black head band and placing my favorite earring studs in. I stand there looking how cute I looked until Lashawn comes in.

"Do you REALLY think he'd like you for you?"
I stand there, unable to move or make a sound.
"You're nothing special."
My knees grow weak as they start to slowly bring me to the ground, his smile embraces, that same beautiful smile I was so infatuated with.
"Someone like him, falling for someone like you? Don't make me laugh."
I'm only able to bring my knees to my chest and hold my head down on them, rocking myself to help the situation.
But then it grows silent.

I look around to only to be met by no one, I stay seated where I was, down on the floor with my back against the cabinets under the sink, trying to catch my breath before I end up hyperventilating.

I take slow breaths. Inhaling and exhaling, each time being harder than the last. I clutch onto my heart through my shirt, it feels like it's literally breaking again.

After a some more time of me breathing slowly, I finally am able to regain my consciousness and balance, I stand up and shake off all the after thoughts of that little traumatizing visit. It felt like sleep paralysis, only I was awake.

A text from Niya informs me how much time has went pass, it was now 5:34, I must've sat there longer than I thought; and, I had over 10 texts from her the last one being more threatening "if you're dead, imma kill you."

I text her back a quick message to ease her mind on my well being. I grab my hand bag and head out the door, trying to forget about what just happened.


We walk around the mall with bags in each hand. I wish Adonis was here to take these, tHiS would be the perfect time for his "gentlemen acts."

"So when are you going to tell lover boy about this episodes you've been having."

I've been telling Niya about these weird, Lashawn episodes that I've been having. She believes that it's from the whole ransom thing, which makes sense. She also thinks I should tell Adonis but I feel like it's just unnecessary to let him know.

"Um no, he's already stressed enough right now. I can handle this."

Before I get the last words out, she stops me from walking by placing her hand in front of me. I look at her in confusion until she stands in front of me while placing her hands on my shoulders.

"I know you can handle this, you've always been strong. But it's good to let your frustrations out every once and a while. I love you Lena." Before I got to respond, she hugs me tight and we stay like that for some time until we realize we were in the middle of the mall.

After her little speech, we walk our hungry ass to the food court and get some food before we continue our shopping day together.

Days like these are always the best, just spending time with people very close to you, especially family. Which is what I should probably do, I've been promising my parents a visit but I really don't want to go.

I don't want to have to explain the Lashawn thing and have my dad go to jail. I also don't want to be reminding of the bad memories since they seem to out way the good.

I stabbed the fries with my fork as I think of an excuse as to why I can't visit this thanksgiving.

"Girl, what that fry do to you."

I look up to Niya, remembering I was in a public place, stabbing a fry trying, thinking of ways to bail on my parents.

I do a small chuckle, "Nothing I was just thinking... I haven't seen my mom since graduation which was like last year May."

She stuffs her mouth full of the combination rice "Ok thmn do somthgn abfo it," coveting her mouth while eating.

"Maybe if you actually eat and swallow your food, I'd understand what you just said."

She finally swallows the food that was just stuffed into her cheeks, and continues to speak, "Do something about it, go out there for the next holiday which is..... Halloween but no one visits families on Halloween, plus we're dressing up this year."

I sit there letting her ramble on what and how I should do this when in reality I'm not going to do any of it.

"Or, thanksgiving could be the perfect time to introduce Adonis to them."

Hearing that last part catches my attention.

"We're not that serious yet so no, next idea."

"Not serious? You guys live together, sleep together, go on so many dates, and you two our happy. Your 'serious' must be way different than mine, cause that sounds pretty-."

"Ok ok, he never really made it official so how am I suppose to know if we're serious or not. But maybe I'll hint going out there to visit, but if he doesn't catch it then I'll just have to go by myself."

She nods her head, stuffing more food into her mouth.

"So how are you and Tony." I raise my eyebrows up and down, teasing her about him.

"We're good..." a huge smile spreads on her face and I can't help but be happy for her, "well more than good, we're amazing."

I never really saw Niya talk about her relationships like this, it was always a quick answer.

"Good and he better be treating you amazing too." I point my finger at her, mimicking what a mom would do.

"Yea yea, eat you're food before I eat it for you."

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