35. Who Hurt Him💫

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part 35 is here, okurrrr💛

Ok but this chapter was ASS I'm so sorry but this is more of a filler ;/.

Do y'all care what I look like ? 💀💀 Like I could link my instagram. Or what if I made a youtube channel? idk it's just some thoughts and ideas.


The day is finally here, the banquet.

It's about... 9 a.m. and I haven't been able to sleep. I've been in the same position since I woke up. Today is going to be really big for a few different reasons.

For one, this is my first time hosting a banquet which basically means that all fingers will be pointed at me if one little thing goes wrong. It's also the first time that Elena and I will be seen in public with the Press around to take pictures. They'll also dish up one of their many untrue and unrealistic stories about our relationship.

I don't know if she's ready for that aspect of the "Rich and Glamours" lifestyle. Hell, I've been in this way longer than she has and I'm not even ready for it. She's one of the toughest women I know, but the Media has a way of bringing people like that down.

The alarm on my phone rings for 9:30 a.m. Elena groans as the ringing fills the room and the air around us. After I'm convinced that she's actually awake, I turn the alarm off, and struggle out of bed.

I make my way to the closet and take out the suit I had gotten for this event. It was plain and simple, but said what it had to say. That I'm in charge.

"So when will I be able to see the mysterious dress?" I sneak up behind her; she was now in the bathroom, doing her morning routine. I place kisses down her neck until she pushes my head away.

"Tonight of course, when I walk down the stairs all cliche-like." She jumps and grasps onto her hands, excitement written on her gorgeous face.

I groan and let her finish getting ready, "Fine, but I'll remember this moment." I walk down the stairs and notice Tony just laying on the couch, on his phone, why is he still here.

He looks over the top of the couch and yells. "Oh hey big boy, how'd y'all sleep." He winks at me and I just stand there in confusion.

"Don't you have your own couch to slob all over?" I walk over to the couch and try to push his legs off so I can sit down. He doesn't move them.

"Yes but yours is better." He kicks me, sits up, and puts his feet on the floor so I can sit next to him.

A small moment of silence passes us before he interrupts it.

"What if me and Niya are officially done? Like what if she never wants to see my stupid face again?"

"Then you'll move on and live the way you did before she came along."

"But what if I don't want to?"

"Bro, she broke your heart. If you still love her then go get her, but if you don't then you just need to move the fuck on."

"Have you ever lost someone you love? No, because she's upstairs right now. It's not that easy to just be like 'Ok I'm not in love anymore.' I wish."

Oh he hurt hurt.

"Ok shut up and listen to me, it's been how long? Like months or something. You either get your shit together or go talk to her. These pity parties aren't my thing."

"I can't just waltz up to her and snap my fingers to make her love me."

"What you need to be worried on, is going home to get ready for the banquet. If you don't know what you want to do then I don't know how you expect me to help. Idiot."

I stand up to make my way to the kitchen and find something quick to eat. Tony has never been like this before. They were more serious then most of his other relationships.

He breaks the silence again, "I'm bringing a plus one, you remember Bridget?"

"Wasn't she the one who got her nudes leaked all over the inter-."

"Yes and she's really sensitive about that so don't try to be funny and bring it up."

"Whatever. If she was sensitive she wouldn't have dont it in the first place. Or she would've been smarter about it," I hear an uproar of music coming from upstairs and forgot that my baby has just been by herself, " I'll be back."

I run back up the stairs and see Elena's beautiful curls that were once in a scarf before I left downstairs. She has her makeup on and is currently singing and dancing around to some Indie music.

"Are you almost done."

She jumps and spins around really quickly.

"I was about to put on my dress! Get out, get dressed in the guest room!" She turns me around and her little frame tries to push my over-towering frame, out the door.

"Ok, ok," I stop at the door and turn to her. By the way Tony is downstairs and he just told me he's bringing a plus one."

"That's not good."


"I sort of, maybe, kind of invited Niya. I wanted to talk to her face to face so what better way than to do it when we'll be forced to be together because we don't know anyone else there?"

"Great. In getting dressed, they'll be fine."


It's time for us to leave but we're waiting for Elena to do her dramatic entrance.

I look down at my watch for the 10 millionth time until I hear the door open and she pops into my vision.

The sparkly shit on her dress is shining with every little movement she makes. It fits her body amazingly, I never knew she could look so perfect.

A small, "Wow," escapes my mouth and a huge smile grows on her face.

"Thank you baby. Now let's go, can't let our good looks go to waste!"

She finishes walking down the stairs and grabs a hold of my arm.

"This is going to be wild."

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