26. Los Angeles💫

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Chapter 26💛

I feel like all my chapters now have a "excuse to why I'm updating so slow" soooo here's another one 💀. Summer started May 24 for me and I have been BUSY. Me? Busy? Whatttt. My mom has been wanting to visit everybody and they mama. But I'm back. Hopefully.💫

Some days later


I hate packing for trips almost as much as I hate going on trips. But Adonis was right, we do need a vacation.

He's been so stressed lately from work and trying to figure out who the note is from, he needs this vacation way more than me; and if I would've said no to going, he wouldn't have went.

I place the last of my shirts in the suitcase and zip it up, the noise being a sound of relief that packing is officially over.

I sit the suitcase up and place it on the wall by the room door so when we leave I can just grab it and go. I walk down the stairs, hearing yelling from Adonis's mouth. He must be on the phone with someone and whoever it is, seems to be in big trouble.

I slow my steps on the stairs down so they don't creek and startle him, he says that he hates yelling around me because it shows me a different side he's not proud of. But I make it to the kitchen and start to prepare two little lunch bags for the plane.

"You know we can just get some food there." I turn around, seeing that he's off his phone now and talking to me, and I lean back on the counter.

"Yeah, but airport food is too expensive."

"Nothing is too expensive, so put the lunch bags down," he walks over to me and places his hands onto mine, "and come give me some attention before we get on this long ass flight."

He snuggles me and kisses down my neck.

"No... Adonis, stop," That last word comes out as a moan and I knew I was in trouble then, "we're going to be leaving soon."

He stops kissing my body and looks down on me since he's like 6 feet tall and I'm sitting here at 5'5.

(Shout out to all my shorties our there.💛)

"We won't be leaving until another 20 to 30 minutes, we'll be fi-."

"No no no. You know damn well that's a lie." I point my finger in his face to get ready and scold him; but he bites it gently causing me to pull back.

"Fineee," he pouts at me and I cant help but think how cute he is, "I'm going to go bring the bags down here."

I nod my head and he lets go of our caress. He walks up the stairs and I go back to making the lunches. Yes I know that he already implied not to, but I'm going to be hungry going there so might as well.


"You'll feel a little bit of turbulence." The captain speaks into the intercom, waking me out of my daze. I've been staring out the window this whole time. Besides home, planes are my second favorite places to be.

I look over at Adonis, ending up having to do a double take on him. He's holding onto the seats arm really tight, almost as tight as he had his eyes shut.

"You're scared." It wasn't a question, you could obviously tell. He opens his eyes slowly. Knowing he's caught and he can't deny it now.

"I hate heights." He shakes his head, still holding onto the seats arms tight. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd be broke after this flight. I grab his hand, rubbing my thumb slowly across it.

"You'll be fine. Focus on something else, tell me some stories of when you were younger."


That seems to work because he talks my ear off for the rest of the ride, maybe out of nervousness. We're standing at baggage claim, waiting to collect our bags.

Adonis insisted that we arrive a day early so we could have some alone time together, since most of our stay will be with Niya and Tony.

"So where to first." He walks besides me with our bags in hand, he never lets me carry my own things; I guess dating Lashawn made me forget what it was like to be spoiled.

We walk up to a car that looks brand new, he places the bags in the trunk and runs to my side to open my door. Rolling my eyes I get inside and he closes the door behind me.

"Maybe we could go eat somewhere."

The familiar sound of his chuckle makes me think back at what I said.

"You're in a new place, new city, new state, and the first thing you want to do is eat." He puts the key in the ignition, a sound signifying that I won.

"Yes and your point?"

"Ok ok, let's go get some food. I know he perfect place. " He speeds off and begins to turn in unknown directions as I sit there, looking through the window, and watching us zoom pass the world.

"Ok we're here." We stop in front of a cute, open restaurant called RedBird.

"Wow this is beautiful." He zips around to my side, opens my door, and takes my hand while leading us inside. Inside it's even more cute, touches with a modern look.

"Reservation name?" The lady keeps her eyes on the tablet on the check in podium looking thing. Adonis clears his throat and she looks up, a smile spreading across her face. "Oh Adonis what a wonderful surprise, come follow me."

She leads us to a table by the window, placing the menus down she promises to be back in a little.

I skim through the menu and notice you have to sell a kidney to even be able to get a glass of water, in other words, these prices are ridiculous. I frown at the digits following the money sign on each of the dishes and close the menu shut.

"I'm not really hungry anymore." I place the menu down on the table and fold my hands on top of it.

"If you're worried about the prices, don't be," He doesn't look up from the menu, I hate that he knows me better than I know myself, "Now look in the menu and act like the price isn't there. Pick whatever you want." He glances up at me and goes back to reading his menu.

I roll my eyes, reopening the menu that screams "eat here and go bankrupt."

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