29. I'm So Grateful💫

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Heyyy bbs, chapter 29💛

Should I do a FAQ cause I do get a lot of the same questions so I feel like this would be better idk ??🍯

A week and some days later~


My phone rings, waking me out of my sleep almost instantly. Moving my arm from underneath sleeping beauty, I reach for my phone and look at all the miss calls from my parents.

Calling my mom back, she answers on the first ring.

"You're with her again aren't you," I roll my eyes and walk to the suite balcony that was in the same room as us, "it's all over the media."

"What?" I shiver from the cold ocean air hitting my bare chest.

"You taking her on these little dates and TRAVELING, what did you expect? It caught up with you."

"And you're telling me this because..."

"Because this looks bad on the company. Running around with some good digging who-."

"Chill out ma, I'll hang up so fast." We sit on the phone in silence until she speaks up again.

"I'm just saying, playboy Adonis can't settle down. When you get back from you're last vacation with her, come to the Corporate Office." And with that she hangs up.

I sit down on the chair out here and rub my hands on my face. You would think the media would want me to settle down, means I won't go blowing money on ACTUAL random, gold digging, hoes.

The balcony door opens and I feel her dainty hands on the opposite sides of my shoulders. I put one of my hands on top of hers.

She makes her way around me and sits on my lap, facing my way.

"What's wrong baby?" Her hand places itself on top of my chest while the other hand plays in my, already, ruffled hair.

"Nothing, just felt like sitting out here." I smile up at her and kiss her cheek to help her believe me. She's a really good bullshit detector.

"Mhmm sure, then let's go back to bed."

I stand up with her still clinging onto me, wrapping her legs around my waist for extra support. We reach the bed and I lay her down beneath me; sharing a kiss filled with lust and passion.

"Adonis." Which was the only thing she was able to say for the rest of the night.


This morning, we're supposed to be meeting up with Niya and Tony to get ready and go back home. Of course they're running late and I'm bursting to make fun of him for being the late one for once.

Around thirty minutes later, they both walk into the door, Tony carrying the bags of course. As soon as the come in, we grab our bags and go to the car and make our way over to the airport.

The plane ride back was the same, quiet and tiring. By the time we land back in New York it's very late but the cars are still awake and life's still moving.

The smell of car exhaust and cigarettes fills my lungs as we all walk outside the airport. Would it be weird to say that I actually missed it?

I place our bags in the trunk of the car, and open the door on her side to signal her to get in. Rolling her eyes, she sits down and clicks the seat belt across her waist, and jokingly giving me a big thumbs up.

Closing her door with a huge smile on my face, I wave goodbye to Niya and Tony; and get into the car, driving off to our apartment.

"That was a really great trip." She smiles up at me and I just nod, placing my hand on her thigh.

"I'm so glad I got to spend it with you," I glance back and forth at her and the road, "and our friends... these past couples of months, it's just been perfect. And I'm so grateful for you."

She smiles back at me, but this is a smile I've never seen on her face. This smile almost reaches her eyes, which are filled with joy.

The rest of the ride is silent, but a peaceful kind that's filled with a promising future.


I wake up to curly hair tickling my neck and the sun creeping through the blinds that don't close enough. Before I know it, I'm running my rough ass hands through her kinky, sandy brown curls.

I silently pray that my- our children will have this hair, and her complexion. I sound like a creep.

I shake my head before I go any further, I stop playing in her hair; which gets instantly met with a groan, signaling me to keep going.

"Why'd you stop." It's muffled but I hear every word clearly.

"Because I want to go take a shower, and you're on top of me."

She rolls over to the other side of the bed which makes me feel naked all of a sudden. She settles herself so her back is facing me and I find my eyes wandering to her lower back.

"Come back." I groan and try to pull her to me, she's lowkey strong as fuck.

"Nope! Go take you're shower. I'm going back to sleep."

"But you're taking one with me," Pulling her waist towards me, "please?" I kiss her neck which I know she can't resist.

"A quick shower and that's all you get."

"I'm not really the 'quick' type, you should know this."

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