22. Fortnite and Yelling💫

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Here goes 22 my pudding pops💛!!!!! Wow I love y'all I just feel like I don't say it enough but I really do. 🍯


I stood there frozen with my toothbrush hanging out my mouth. He looks very hot this morning, shirtless showing his beautiful body, and some grey active shorts by Nike. I was just wearing one his his T-shirt's and some underwear.

"Wh-what did you say." I grab the toothbrush out of my mouth, spitting into the sink and continuing to stare at him through the mirror until he breaks our stare by turning to look at me, while moving closer towards me.

"You heard me," He makes me face him, then he pulls me towards him, "I love you and I'm finally comfortable with that thought. Almost loosing you opened my eyes and made me notice that I wouldn't be able to live without you. And then waking up these past days together, doing our morning routines together, and sleeping next to each other showed me that I want this." He gestures between me and him and I almost faint at his words.

Am I crazy or did the player of the year just confess his love for me? But does it make me crazier to say that I love him too? I look up at him and kiss him on the lips very passionately before my brain could talk me out of it.

He licks my lips for entrance and I gladly accept it. Feeling the rush of the morning, the sweet words he just said moments ago, and the heat of our body's pressed against each other starts to make me want him right then and there.

I start to rub my hand against his friend that has already be poking at me since the kiss, begging for attention. He moans inside my mouth and breaks the kiss to pick me up and place me on the counter.

"You shouldn't have don't that." He smirks at me then starts to rubs his very excited friend against my cat. Even though we still had our clothes on, you could feel the friction and heat coming from it, almost making me overflow with passion.

He starts to lift the shirt off of me, until we hear a knock on the door.

"Adonis! I know you're awake in there."

Adonis mumbles a string of curses and gives me a pair of his shorts to put on, my favorite ones. He waits for me to put them on and then he opens the door.

Tony busts through and starts rambling about his parents are here right now and how they want to see him, honestly I stopped listening. Adonis sits on messed up bed with a huge smile on his face. Until it hit me.


OH SHIT HIS PARENTS ARE HERE RIGHT NOW. I start running around, grabbing my clothes and putting them in my suitcase. They both stood there looking at me like I was crazy.

"Babe, what are you doing." Did he just call m- that's not important right now.

"You're parents are here, I'm getting ready to leave."

"Why would you leave? Don't you think I want them to meet the girl I'm in love with."  The more he keeps using that 4 letter word, the more I'm actually starting to believe it. Tony just stands there with his mouth open, catching flies.

"Tony can you please tell them that I'll be out there in a minute." Tony walks out after and closes the door behind him. Adonis gets up, walking towards me.

"Do you want to meet my parents, or is this too soon. I don't know how this works. But I do know that they'd love you. If you don't want to, I won't force you too." I look at the ground and start nervously moving around, already regretting my answer.

"I'll meet them. But I don't know if I have any clothes 'parent worthy.'" After that Adonis lightly jogs out the room and comes back some minutes later.

"They're going to meet us at a lunch place in the city, and we're going to go clothes shopping."

"No, I'm not going to the mall with you. You buy everything that my eyes linger on, and if it shows even a LITTLE skin, you say no to it."

He shakes his head, "That's not true. And we're all going. Me, you, Niya, and Tony. So get dressed and come on."

I roll my eyes knowing that he thinks he won the battle, but I'll win the war tonight when he rolls over to me rock hard. I already can't wait to deny him.

I go into his closet and rummage through my bag and drawers to pick something out. I find a cute red cami crop top and some ripped jeans with black converse. I already know Doni is going to have a problem with where the rip is at but oh whale.

I walk out of the bathroom when I finish getting dressed

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I walk out of the bathroom when I finish getting dressed. I also decided to leave my hair in it's curly state because I know Adonis loves it, it might distract him from the rip in my jeans.

I don't see Adonis in his room so he must be out in the living room, probably trying to squeeze a little Fortnite in, shaking my head at the thought. It's the first sight I see walking down the stairs, the boys yelling like they won the lottery.

Adonis is wearing a white v-neck, some denim not-that-skinny jeans, his black converse on, and a hat that says YOUTH.

I walk into the kitchen were Niya is presently cooking something. I walk behind her and like her butt while trying to get to the refrigerator, "Hey thiccie."

"Hey B," she looks at my outfit and noticed the rip, "OOOO B fuckin it up!!! But you're gonna die over that rip."

"Then I'll just have to die." I shrug and we both laugh, watching the boys loose their minds every time they loose, or even when they win.

We wait for them to play a couple of more games before we start complaining.

"If you're going to force me to go to the mall and get dressed we could at least go today and not next year." I yell over their yelling.

The boys notice we were sitting there impatiently waiting for them to hurry up.

Adonis opens his smart ass mouth and says, "Oh when did you two get here." He smirks at me and I walk my ass out of her house and wait by his car.

I stand there wondering about his other car he had told me about. He said it should be fixed soon and then he'd give this one to me. No matter how many times I said no he just kept insisting.

I look at the car and notice a note on the window shield. I pick it up and read it.

"I'm back baby, did you miss me? Because I'm coming for you and that black bitch."

I stare at the note until a hand lands on my shoulder and makes me jump.

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