3. Baby💫

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Part 3! 💛


"Alright it's mall time." My bestfriend screams while rubbing her hands like some evil mastermind.

"Who said I was staying out all day?"

"I did, come on Elena, I've let you grieve over this situation for far too long. You need some fun and sun in your life." She looks at me with this sincere look in her eyes and I can't say no.

I mean I have been pushing her away and she's just trying to help. We both already know the plan for when I get home: sleep, cry, eat, and repeat.

"Alright no need to give me the puppy dog eyes. I'll go, but can we stop by my house? I need my wallet."

We get up and get ready to leave, cleaning up our mess. I turn around only to run into a hard chest.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't not mean to bump into you." It's the God again. Why his chest must look great under that shi-

"Oh no it's fine I should've watched where I was going, I'm Adonis by the way." He holds out his hand I just shake it. He has a nice, firm grip.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Elena. Thank you again for paying and all that."

"Don't mention it."

I give him a small smile and start walking past him, until I feel a hand holding mine. I turn around  with a confused look on my face. He quickly let's go, probably realizing what he was doing.

"I'm sorry but I just can't let a beautiful girl like you escape without a number exchange." That must be his favorite line, he seems really proud of it.

"I don't give my number out to strangers, I'm sorry."

"That's why I'm trying to give you my number, everyone is a stranger at some point in time. Look I just want to take you out to dinner, I can sense you haven't had a good time in a while." He's right about that. I bite my lip debating if I should go or not, it does sound fun but no one deserves to be a rebound.

"I'm sorry." And with those two words I walk out and wait by the car for Niya, she was still in there throwing away the trash.


We finally made it to the mall, with all the unnecessary honking and colorful language on the road, most coming from Niya, I thought we'd never make it here.

"So why didn't you take him up on that offer." Niya says looking at some very cute Nude heels that she's been drooling over for 3 minutes like it's the last donut in a house full of cops.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Why do I consist on lying when she sees through it every time.

"I was there so lie again." She scowls at me with a smile saying, "I dare you."

"Alright fine, I told him no because- no that's not cute." Niya picked up an ugly bright purple shirt that said "don't bother" and tried showing it to me. If you're wearing that shirt I don't think it'd be hard for them to "not bother."

"I told him no because no one should be a rebound. And he gave off major player vibes." I sip some of my icee as she kept looking at shirts.

"Ok but what if that's what you need. Just a one night stand to make you bounce back. And it's great cause if he is a player, he won't catch feelings and you both will be able to move on with your lives." She smiles as if she just invented Apple.

"Even if I wanted to, I can't, we didn't exchange numbers." I grin back thinking she can't top that.

Little did I know.

"Actually-" She gets cut off by a ding on my phone.

Random number digits - hey beautiful this is Adonis, from the cafe.

I look up to Niya, wandering her eyes, tryin to escape my angry glare.

"NIYA! Did you give him my number."

"Yes I did, and I'm not going to lie about it. You weren't going to so."

I just sit there stunned at her, she really did that.

"Look Elena I love you girl, and this little Lashawn thing is played out. You need to stop thinking about him and continue living his life. Obviously he's living his." I stare at her confused until she nods her head in a direction.

He's standing there with our next door neighbor, kissing and holding hands. I sit there watching it like my favorite movie. His eyes gaze around and they meet mine, he says something to her and they let go.

Why the fuck is he walking over here to me.

Tempted to get up and leave before he comes over here, Niya puts her hand on mine. Signaling me that she has my back for whatever happens.

"Hey Elena, how's it hanging." He stands by our table with his hands in the pockets of the jeans I bought him. Does he not remember that 2 weeks ago he broke up with me like we didn't date for years.

"It's going fine. I can see that it's going great for you." Obviously talking about the hoe next door. I should've known they were doing something.

"Look Lashawn, I don't have time for this," I stand up pushing my chair in, "can we please go Niya."


"You a bad bitch." Niya has been hyping me up in the car the whole time after that incident with Lashawn.

"I know." I do a fake flip of my hair, even though it's in a pony tail and I honestly have no idea where this spark of confidence came from.

Maybe that little drama just helped me in a little bit. I still haven't replied back to Adonis, not because I don't want to but because I'm scared of where it'll lead us too.



"I'm really laughing my ass off, she's already tired of you." Tony has been laughing at me since I sent that text to her. What is she doing that could be so busy she hasn't looked at her phone? Is she really ignoring me?

"So Doni are we stopping at our usual place for the usual bimbos."

Looking at him I just respond with a head nod and a sly smile, "Is that even a question."

We speed down the road to a club called "Puck" where the basic girls are; fake boobs, small butt, pale skin, no soul. Same old, same old.

I sit at the bar and ask for my regular. Yes I'm 19 and at a bar. When you tip them money more than their light bill, they'll let you in.

"Hey Doni" a hand lays on my chest and rubs up and down.

"It's Adonis." I turn around to the brave soul to call me a nickname. Sabrina.

"Nice to see you baby." Is this girl high or something.  I try to remove her hand that laid on my chest but she wouldn't budge.

"Baby? Ha that's funny. If you're not here for a quickie then get out of my face Sabrina." A sharp exhales escapes her mount and she begins to walk away.

Finally got rid of her.

She turns around yelling over the loud music, "Are you coming or not."

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