7. Yelp💫

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Chapter 7 my peeps! 💛
Is the music thing a good idea? Let me know.


We just sat down at this nice brunch place I heard about through Yelp. It took us forever to get here, mainly because of traffic and she changed into three different outfits until she was happy.

"Wow this places looks expensive." She breathes out a sharp exhale while looking around and picking up the menu. "$25 for a omelet!" She closes the menu that was black and embroidered with gold squiggles and places it down."I know a place we're we could of gotten it for less than half, with better service."

We've been siting here for more than 30 minutes and still haven't been asked for our order, we were growing impatient. People just be lying on Yelp now?

"Yeah I know." I wave my hand at the passing server to get his attention, her idea is starting to look really good right now. He walks over and stands in front of our table.

"We have been here for a very long time and no one has taken our order, which is terrible service, especially for an up incoming restaurant."

He has a very surprised look on his face and rushes away. It only takes 5 minutes for our waitress to come out.

"I'm so sorry for the delay. What would you two like." She has a big smile in her face, but her hair and clothes were all tossed around and looked like she just got out of a tornado. I know what she was doing.

"I would have the Antipasto breakfast bake with orange juice." I hand her my menu and wait for Elena to order.

"I would like theeee.... wow the Oreogasm Pancakes look great." (That's a real thing don't @ me 💀) "I'll have that please with some orange juice too." She hands the menu over and looks at me.

I start snickering. Wow I'm really immature.

"What's so funny." She has a scowl on her face and I sit there with a big ass smile on my face.

"Nothing, I don't know what you're talking about."

We continue talking about nonsense and laughing while we wait for our food to appear, they've already brought our drinks. Our server comes with our food, placing it down after we both claim which is ours.

"Let me get some of your breakfast bake." She looks at me with big puppy eyes but you already know my answer.

"Nope." I take a big piece and do the most with it, eating it very obnoxiously.

"Hey is that a bird." She yells and points at some random destination behind me. Knowing what she's doing I just try to play along.

I whip my head around fast, "Where? I don't see it." I turn my head around and see her picking up a piece of my breakfast bake, stuffing it in her mouth faster than you can say "hi."

"There was never a bird was there." She laughs, instantly trying to cover it up. I don't know why, it was a very cute laugh, well by definition it was ugly.

After some time of us eating, we finish and pay. Getting up to leave to our next destination.


"Alright where are we going next?" She asks me with wonder in her voice. I've been driving for some time now and I can tell the tension is killing her.

"I thought maybe a movie or something."

"A movie, it wouldn't have to be a scary one would it? So I can have an excuse on holding you." She speaks in a sarcastic tone.

"How did you know? You can read minds!" I put my hand over my mouth for extra exaggeration. We both continue to laugh for the rest of the ride, we seem to do that a lot.

We finally make it to where we've been headed.

"The bowling alley?" She looks at me hella confused.

"Yup, we're meeting Niya and Tony up here for a little match." I get out on my side and run to her side to open the door for her, she hates it so I always have to run before she gets out.

She shakes her head while getting out, "I can open a door."

"So can I? Your point?"

We walk inside the dark room only lit with neon lights in certain places, searching for our friends. We ended up finding them almost all the way by the wall.

Tony is the first to see us, "Sup losers, ready to get beat by us."

"Yeah whatever. I'm going to go get our shoes, what's your size?"


We won.

What did you really think I'd let T win, he'd never let me hear the end of it, just like I'm going to do to him.

"Wow who's the loser now." We're sitting at In-N-Out eating and talking shit to the losing team. The wining team got bragging rights for a week, that was enough for me.

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