11. Happiness💫

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Heyyy babes 💛 back with another one. There's a tiny bit of a trigger warning but it's not like drastic ⚠️

I mumble the last part knowing that my mom would really chew my ear off about cussing in front of her.

I speak back into the phone, "Yes of course mom. Hey I have to get going. I love you." We part our goodbyes and I hang up.

I run my hands through my hair and exhale sharply, "Damn I forgot they're coming to visit." I run my hands along my face and sit there thinking.

It's not like I don't want them to visit me I just hate that they ask me the same questions every time. "Why don't you have a girlfriend? When are you going to stop messing around with these little hoes and get a woman? Why don't you ever call us?"

And it's the same answer every time, "Because you can't trust them. Never. Because you're just going to yell these same questions over the phone."

Alright well they'll be here in a couple of weeks or so. I have some time to breathe before they pressure me into getting a girlfriend and taking over the company at a too early age.

My dad is the Founder and CEO of this business corporation called "Colson Industries." Which is our last name slapped on a silver platter. I look at my clock and the time reads 9 a.m it's way too early to be stressing and focused on parents and the future. Especially when I can barely focus on the present.

"Are you doing ok." The brown beauty who I forgot was here through all the stress, rises up and wraps an arm around me.

I take my hands off of my face with a fake smile and just nod my head, "Yeah everything is fine."

She saw right through that shit.

"I don't know if you think I'm stupid but I can tell that you're not ok. So lie again." She points a finger in my face and I just bite it lightly while feeling a little swat on my back.


After dropping Elena off at home I made my way over to T's house, he called me earlier saying we should hang out which is weird cause he's never trying to hang with me.

We're sitting down watching the soccer game on t.v and drinking some new beer he's been dying to try. Well actually I was the only one really watching the game because he's been texting Niya this whole time and smiling extra big.

Wondering if that's how I looked while texting Elena. If I do, that's embarrassing. I wonder what she's doing right now or wearing.

A hard pat on my back interrupts my thoughts.

"What you thinking about there bud." Tony keeps patting my back hard as fuck with this big ass smile on his face.

"Tying to figure out when you became so whipped." I mock his smile back at him and remove his hand from my back.

"I'm the whipped one? If Elena told you to jump you'd ask 'how high.'"

"Thats not true."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not."


We bickered about like some 4 year olds a couple times more before we actually stopped. I could've kept going but I was getting hungry and that's more important to me than beating T at something.

Actually that last part was a lie.

We had to drive to a diner because T had no food what so ever in his fridge. I don't understand how he's still alive when he barely has water in his fridge. And the bad thing is, it's not even a money issue, he's just too lazy to drive to the grocery store and buy food.

I wouldn't be able to be him, I like food too much to be just starving everyday. But then again, it's give me an excuse to eat out.

"So are you ready for the party tonight?" Tony looks over at me while I was speeding down the highway still in the new car because whoever destroyed my baby did a number on her and it's taking forever to fix her.

"I actually am, I don't know if it's because I'm bringing Elena or if it's just because I haven't let loose in a while. But I'm ready."

He smiles at me which is another thing he never does. I don't know if it's Niya changing him, but I'm glad for whatever it is. I like seeing him happy, especially since it's so hard for him to be because of everything that has happened in his life.

See, his mom died from a brain tumor when he was 7 and his dad committed suicide 3 years later because of depression from her death. He jumped around from foster home to foster home were he was being abused, until he ran away one day. Sleeping on the streets of Queens and eating out of the garbage.

My dad had just got out of a business meeting and was about to head home until he found him on a cardboard box, shivering. We took him in and gave him a new home. That's why we're so close, he's like my brother from another family.

I continue driving down the highway stealing glances at him, and everything just seems so perfect. A little too perfect.

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