37. Salt💫

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Chapter 37 💛

Heyyyy ;) so this is the last chapter of this book. But because I'm not finished with their story. As if explained before, book two is coming out real real REAL soon like next week. I just want to get the first three chapter out of the way before I publish it. Also if you still want that spotify playlist of the songs, just comment and let me know so I can make it for you guys. I love you and see you in the next book!🥵😘😘😘

"Jessica please stop touching me." I push her greasy hands off my body and try to look for Elena. She had ran off with Niya and my mom left shortly after.

I should've known she would do something like this. Invite Jessica here.

She's been obsessed with us getting married, but I knew she wasn't necessarily the one for me. I didn't even know if I wanted to get married. I still don't know!

But if I was to, it wouldn't be to her. It'd be with Elena. I'd rather see her in a white dress, walking down the aisle, crying because she's a crybaby. Which would make me cry because I hate to see her cry-

What am I even talking about. Marriage? Ha. I shake my head, trying to get the sick thought out.

I spot Elena, Niya, and... my mom at the bar.

Oh shit.

This can't be good. Elena's eyes meet me and they just look empty, kind of like the first day I met her at the Cafe. She marches over to me with Niya trailing behind her and before I could reassure her, I feel a sting across my face.

She just slapped me.

"How dare you!"

"Babe what are you-."

"I don't even want to here the lame excuse you're going to pull out of your ass! So that's what this whole thing has been, a charity case for the press to see that you're a good man because you brought me a few dresses and take me to fancy restaurants, I can't believe you and the audacity you have to treat me like my feelings don't matter."

"I dead ass have no clue or idea of what you're talking about right now. Whatever my mom-."

"She's told me everything I need to know about the real Adonis Colson, a man who plays with women's feelings to get what he wants."

I try to walk towards her but she steps a few paces back, "Elena do you even hear yourself?! You sound like a crazy lady who's trying to push me away like you always do."

"Now i'm crazy. Well you know what, this crazy lady doesn't want to be apart of anything that has to do with you or your money or your lifestyle anymore. You can keep the things you brought me. I'm pretty sure the next girl who will receive your sympathy will like them very much. I'm leaving! I'll be sure to send you this gorgeous ass dress as soon as I can get out of it."

She storms off before I can even say any objections. Everyone's eyes have been on us this entire time. I've always been afraid of Niya and as she walks up to me, I know I'm doomed.

"I just want you to know that you're an ass and deserve everything coming your way. You and this hoe." She motions forward Jessica, and follows after Niya.

"Mom what did you say."

"I can see you're mad but it was something that needed to be done and you were too soft to do it. She not good for you."

"I'm beyond mad right now. I'm pissed. I just want you to know that you just ruined my life." I run out the banquet, hoping that she didn't get too far away but the only thing left in the streets at 12 p.m. are drunk people.


"Adonis, come on man. Let's just get you home." Tony's voice rings in my ear, how long has he been here.

"I can't. Home isn't even home anymore," I turn my head to look at him, "she took it with her when she left. Did she use me and just wanted a way out?"

"I don't know man, girls are different. I mean maybe she was using you." He shrugs and sits ont he stairs next to me.

"But why?" I look at him for an answer.

"God we're pathetic. We've been sulking over women two nights in a row."

"What else am I suppose to do? Act like nothing ever happened? Like she didn't just stomp out my heart with high heels?"

"I guess not. How about I take you home."

"Yea. But can we just sit here for a little more?"

"Sure buddy." He scoots next to me and pats his hand in my back.

I place my face in my hands and close my eyes. Water streams down my face and into my mouth. What is that?


A taste that my tastebuds have grown use to.

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