25. Summer Time💫

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Chapter 25 sugar dumplings💛

I feel as if my writing has been sucking lately and I'm sorry for that so from now on I'll be putting more focus and time into writing these chapters. Especially because I feel as if I rush it so I can be able to put out an update at a reasonable time. ✨


"You never clean up this place, that's why it looks like a bachelor pad." Elena has been lecturing me about a our apartment for the past thirty minutes. I didn't know how much a dirty house effected people until right now. I felt like a little ass child getting scolded for not cleaning up his room.

"I know baby, but you gotta remember it was a bachelor pad, until I met you." I pull her towards me because I know she gets flustered when ever I do that.

"No no no, you're not pulling this trick on me. Usually it works but not today," She points her small finger in my face, "it's not anymore, so clean it up."

"Ok ok alright, I got this." I smother her with kisses and run upstairs before she can do something about it.

"And pick up them dirty ass clothes off the floor and put them in a dirty clothes basket! That's why I brought you it!" I hear her yell at me some more and I roll my eyes, checking behind my back just incase she saw me.

I pick up everything off the floor and shoot it into the basket, making a game out of something so boring. I pick up one of Elena's pants, can't wait to tease her about leaving stuff everywhere, I'm about to throw it when I feel something in the pockets.

I reach inside and feel a hard piece of paper, pulling it out and unwrapping it because I'm a nosey person. I finish unwrapping it and it's a note from a no name  saying some pretty fucked up stuff.

I run down the steps and find her in the kitchen cooking and dancing to whatever song was on the radio.

"What's this." I hold up the piece of paper and wave it in the air for her to see, she knows what it is cause her face drops and she turns back around to finish what ever she was making, smells like bacon.

That's not important right now.

"I don't know what that is." Her voice is hushed and from the words printed on this paper, I see why. I can tell her breathing has changed, it's hitched.

"Baby," I stop holding up the paper and put it on the breakfast bar, "I know you know what it is, your body language is telling me that you know." I walk behind her and caress her shoulders, hoping that it would calm her nerves down. I wait for her to finish up the bacon she cooking on the stove.

Jeesh, I'm really hungry, I hope my stomachs doesn't start growling. This is not the time for my hungry ass to be making unnecessary noises.

I turn her towards me and hold her close to my chest, rubbing her back, "Do you know who it was from?"

"No," her sniffles becoming more audible for me to hear, "it was on your car one day and I freaked out, but I forgot to bring it up."

It better not be this crazy bitch from that one night stand. I exhale slowly, preparing myself that I'll have to hit my dad up again.

We stay hugged up for a little while longer, until I feel her body calm down.

"Are you ok now?" I ask her while combing my fingers through her, now straighten, hair. She nods her head and we let go of each other, letting her go back to the breakfast she was making of us.

I go back upstairs to finish the cleaning I was doing it earlier, taking the paper with me for investigation purposes. I make it to my room and sit down on my messy bed while thinking of the many ways she'll kill me if I don't clean it up.

I think back to the note she received because I already know who it's from. Most likely that one shoe lady from that night stand some months ago, she's really still hung up on me.

And usually I wouldn't let this note bother me, I get- I used to get hundreds of them but now that who ever wrote this note threatened my baby, they've created a huge problem that I'll be glad to finish.


"Yes I know T, she's not going to want to go. Because it's sand and water... because I know her. ILL ASK HER TONY BUT IF SHE YELLS AT ME IM COMING FOR YOU... yeah whatever I'll talk to you later."

I hang up the phone and prepare myself to go downstairs to ask Elena if she'd like to go to Cali, knowing her she'd complain about the water, the sun, the outdoors, the sand, and her hair being wet.

Even though she knows I love when her hair gets wet because it goes back to her natural, curly state. I especially love it when my hands are buried in her hair while I guide her head up and down on my-.

A knock on the bathroom door wakes me up from my wet thought, "Donis, are you going to come out today or next week."

"I was thinking of staying in here till next year. Sounds like a plan?"

"HA, you're so funny wow." I hear her small feet patter away from the door and know she's gone. I stop leaning on the sink, walk forwards the door, and search around the living room for her fine self.

I find her laying in the couch, snuggled up with a blanket while watching some cartoon movie on the t.v. Which is one of her favorite genres to watch.

"Hey lets go on a vacation together."

"Boy if you don't stop-."

"No I'm serious," I walk around and kneel down to her face, "We'll go with Tony and Niya to California for a week or so, it'd be fun to go out."

I get ready for her to say no and then I'd have to beg and do a little "extra" for her to change her mind, but then she agrees.

"That sounds like so much fun! I'm actually excited and I don't know why, wow I actually can't wait." She jumps into my arms with a high pitch scream, holding me tight like I've asked her to marry me or something.

"I thought I'd have to take you to our bedroom for you to say yes." She looks up at me and traces my face with her dainty finger.

"What's stopping you?"

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