2. This Fool💫

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Here's part 2 Honey Buns! I'm honestly having so my fun writing this.

I decided that I'll just put the songs in writing to here, because why not 🤷🏽‍♀️?


30 minutes later I'm barely leaving out. Making her leave was the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life, she's definitely the craziest I've had.

I lock the door behind, being instantly hit by car sounds and angry honks. New York City is a very hectic place. I breathe in the polluted air and walk to my car. It's nothing special, just a black 2018 Volkswagen Arteon.

As I'm walking up I notice there's a little note on the window shield, under the wipers. It's from that girl, I never found out her name which was probably not a good thing. If I ever needed to file a restraining order I'll be shit out of luck.

The note was just a bunch of "you're an ass" "don't call me again." Like I'm the one who even wants anything to deal with her. I don't know if she didn't notice but I couldn't care less about this situation.

I rip the note up and throw it in the trash. I may be a fuck boy but I'm not litter. I walk back to my car, annoyed at my time being wasted, I'm already late to the cafe to meet my friend and these delays aren't helping at all.

I start up the car and drive off at an unsafe speed. You know those guys that just run their engine and zoom off when there's a red light in the next 20 feet? Yeah that's me, I'm not proud but I just like the noise; it makes me feel as if I have a calm place in this crazy world.


I finally make it to my destination, preparing myself for my friend Tony's insults about my timing and how he should've left and blah blah blah.

The little bell that makes noise when someone is entering and leaving chimes as I walk inside the packed cafe, being instantly hit with my favorite smell in the morning, coffee.

It didn't take me long to find Tony and the table he got us. It was right by the window, my favorite spot. I squish through the people in line, saying the occasional "excuse me" here and there. I rush over to the table and sit down. Tony isn't a big guy, but it would be hard to miss him in any crowd, he's tall is what I'm trying to say. I can tell the scowl he has on his face has been there for a good minute. He has his curly brown hair in a man bun today and wearing a loose grey T-shirt. His light brown eyes are squinted at me and I can't help but smile.

He really hates me right now.

He squinted harder and I just burst out laughing.

"Hey T, let me know when you're done pouting like the girl I just threw out." I continue laughing, I can sense the rage and insults are coming soon.

"You're very funny Doni; how about,next time you schedule us to go out, you actually show up on time or maybe even before me."

"That would be great wouldn't it, but then I wouldn't be able to see that cute little pout face." I squish his cheeks and speak in a babying voice. He's about to explode in anger.

He scoots his chair back fast and hard as he begins walking to the counter to order our drinks and food, I literally get the same thing every time when I come to this place. A straight black coffee (pun intended if you catch my drift) with two brownies and a snack cake.

I turn around and watch him stomp to the counter with heat just radiating off of his body. I've known him since elementary, I know what gets under his skin and vice versa

Still turned around I see these two women siting two seats behind us. There is one with a pink shirt of some ruffled sort, gorgeous, but I couldn't see the other one because her back was facing me.

I sat there like a deer in headlights, stunned. Pink Shirt got up and went to the counter. I turn back around confused and obviously not thinking straight because before I knew it, I was up and walking to the counter.

Wow I did not think this through. What am I suppose to say to her when I get there? I can turn back around but that'd be awkward with all these people watching me.

I am snapped out of my thoughts, I've made it to my destination of failure and embarrassment. Tony is in line, in-front of her, I'll just go to him.

"Hey T how's it going up here."

Tony just looks at me like I have cake on my face or something. "Why are you being weird."

"Me? Weird? Oh no, I'm just seeing how you're holding up."

He keeps looking at me like that and it's not helping my case, I had a better chance talking to Pink Shirt than talking to this fool.

I turn around and look at her, she's even prettier up close. The lady at the cashier calls next and it's our turn, my turn to strike up a conversation.

"Oh hey, you can go in-front of us if you'd like."

"Oh no it's fine, thank you." She cuts off quickly, wow her voice is soothing. I feel like a creep right now.

"What type of gentlemen would we before we didn't let the women go first?"

"Yes exactly, please go next." Tony chimes in, obviously knowing what I'm trying to do.



Alright, when has the world become this nice. Is it "be nice to the girl that just got her heartbroken" day. The girl calls out "next" again and now I feel obligated to go.

"Um alright, thank you." I walk in-front of them and order Niya and I's food.

I get a vanilla latte with caramel drizzles and extra ice, a cookie, and coffee cake (another pun? Yes ma'am). I order the same drink for Niya with her favorite snack cake here. The girl rings me up and tells me the amount. I quickly grab for my wallet in my bag, trying to get out of line and sit down.

I cant find it.

Shit. Shit. And hey why not another. Shit!

I cant find it, I scramble around frantically looking in every pocket of my purse and still no luck.

"I got it."

The man from earlier moves me aside and takes out his black card and swipes without my consent. I'm not complaining, this situation has an embarrassing outcome anyways. She rolls her eyes and asks for the name to call out, I just tell her mine and turn to look at him.

"Thank you again, you didn't have to do that." I sigh feeling more embarrassment. If I was white my checks would be tomatoes right now.

"No problem. I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to." He smiles, showing his perfect teeth. Who is this God standing in-front of me and why is he being so nice. I walk back to my table and sit down, flustered from his closeness and generosity.

I haven't had this much human contact in a couple of weeks. Before I could even breathe and realize what just happened, Niya is swarming me with questions.

"WHO WAS THAT GUY!? WHAT HAPPENED!? Did you get his name or number or anything!? Who was the guy he was with? Are they single?"

This is what I've grown up with. I sit there and let her finish her ramble of emotions and questions, watching her react to the whole scene that happened. I'd be freaking out like her inside, but one of us has to be sane or they'll throw us both into an insane asylum.

"Niya honey, calm down. I don't know who that was, he brought our stuff. I didn't get his name or number. And the guy was his friend or something. And I don't know or care if they're single."

"Oh so you'd do them even if they were taken." She winks at me, obviously knowing that's not what I meant.

"Niya! Stop talking, you say random things when you haven't had you're coffee."

"Ok but that's anyone, thank you very much."

"I honestly miss this so much." I smile out towards the window, basking in my failed attempt at changing the subject, she knows that's what I'm trying to do but she moves onto the new subject anyways.

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