23. Jealousy Doesnt Fit You💫

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Chapter 23 sugar babies 💛

Imma need y'all to start back commenting so I can smile and laugh cause y'all be having me dead 💀😚


I feel her nerves jump at my touch, turning around quickly while holding her hands behind her back. She's obviously hiding something. I would ask her right now but she'll just lie about it and she's the worst at lying.

"Are you ready?" Is all I ask her for right now.

"Yes I am, ready to get denied of every outfit I pick out," I chuckle and shake my head, "what's so funny."

"You're cute when you're feisty." I wink at her then open her door so she could get in, she hates when I open the door for her.

"I can open my ow-."

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know you can."

She pouts in her seat and I kiss her forehead before closing the door. I walk to my side of the to get in and wait for the two lovebirds to stop play fighting outside and get in.

I honk at them a couple of times until they get the hint and sit in the back. I swear I could hear their eye roll from the front of the car, they're perfect for each other.

I drive off then place my hand on Elena's thigh, slowly drawing circles on her soft skin, my favorite part of her. She fidgets under my touch with a big ass smile plastered on her face.

We make it to the mall and I have to yell at Elena to wake up since she always falls asleep in the car, especially because she forced me to keep caressing her inner thigh, groaning every time I stopped.

She wakes up with a fresh pout on her face and I can't help but smile. She naturally does it whenever she's being woken up, it's super cute. I hope our kids have that trait.

Wait what.

I shake my head at how far my mind wondered while sticking my hand out to help her out the car. Of course she smacks it and gets out herself.

We walk into the crowded mall and I could already see the guys staring at her hard as fuck. My face turns into a scowl and I grip my arm around her waist while pulling her closer to me hoping that they understood the message I was trying to send to them.

After what feels like hours of looking around stores she still hasn't picked an outfit to meet my parents in. Tony and Niya decided to go to some other store and I'm stuck here.

"Are we going to have lunch with my parents today or next year."

"We've only been in this boujee ass mall for about..." She looks at her phone's clock, "20 minutes so stop being a big baby, and calm down."

She goes to find a worker for some help and I stomp over to this little foot thingy where there are women sitting and trying on shoes. I decide I'll just sit here and wait for her, taking out my phone since I have nothing better to do.

A girl with blonde hair and this familiar face keeps stealing looks at me as she tries on these UGLY pair of shoes that I hope Elena would never consider buying. I get enough of her glances and blurt our, "May I help you or something?"

"Hi, I just was trying to grasp the concept on why you're here alone."

"I'm not here alone, my girlfriend is right over there." I point to my brown beauty in her cute outfit, talking to a worker. "Isn't she gorgeous, you might want to pick a few tips from her on shoes." I laugh in my head at how funny I am.

"No thank you." Is all she is able respond with and I turn my attention back to my phone, continuing to scroll through social media as I wait for Elena to finish.


After another 20 minutes she found a cute outfit that I know will look even better off of her later on tonight. We're walking to the food court while holding hands and receiving looks from old and jealous ass people.

I shake my head because I know if we do ever become something serious, that we'd have to go through this every time we walked out of the house together. Don't get me wrong there are people that look at us in awe, but there's only a few.

I look over to see Elena's reaction to everyone and she just seems unfazed, but very happy. She has a big ass smile painted on her face while pointing out stuff through the windows of the shops we pass by.

We make it to the food court, walk over to which food place we wanted to order from, and we sit down at a four seat table for T and Niya; which we have no clue where they're at but I honestly don't care right now, I just want to spend some time with my baby.

We begin to talk as we wait for our food and for Niya and Tony to show up. I glance over to my right and see the same blonde chick from the shoe section, starring and eating with some other girls.

Now I wouldn't have obviously had a problem with her being here if she wasn't mean mugging Elena like she killed her and had the nerve to show up at the funeral.

I try not to look over there for too long because then Elena would look and notice the girl sending daggers at her and she'd end up fighting and I'd have to jump in.

It would just be pointless, a waste of time, and I'd end up in jail.

Our food order is ready and I make my way over to pick it up. I grab our food and before I could make it over to our table, the blonde chick is back. Something just looks so familiar and I can't put my finger on it, it's creeping me out.

"Need some help with that." She plays with this gold necklace around her neck while licking her lips, not better than Elena licks hers.

"Nah I'm good." I continue to walk back to my table but she touches my arm to stop me from going any further and I have to move my shoulder from under her touch.

"Imma need you to chill out with touching me and looking at my girl like you have a problem." I finally reach my table and see Elena doing her "I got food and so I'm very fucking happy" dance, causing me to chuckle as I pass out the food.

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